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Attitude of Gratitude: Positivity Towards Work

Meeting Desk

Every Sunday, around the world, people say to themselves, “Ugh, I have to go to work tomorrow,” It’s understandable. It is sad when our time to spend with family and do the things we enjoy is over.

But work can be enjoyable as well, so here at Conquest Graphics we have embraced a spirit of gratitude towards our work. Instead of feeling like we “have to go to work,” we embraced the philosophy that we “get to go to work,” because we all love what we do.

We pride ourselves on fostering a healthy and engaging work environment that encourages growth, diversity, teamwork, and positivity. We believe that if you want your customers to be happy with the products and services your business provides, you need to make sure that the people serving those customers are happy as well.

Being grateful to come to work is not just about feeling lucky to have a job and support your family, but also about feeling good about what you're doing every day, and being excited to go to work every day. Working with friendly and helpful people, doing interesting and engaging work, and feeling like you can grow with your company, are things that can sometimes be taken for granted. That’s why it’s important to sit down and think about what you’re grateful for in your work life, and appreciate what you have.

Recently, we asked our employees to share what the best parts are about working at Conquest Graphics. We had an array of responses ranging from working with best friends, having the flexibility to work from home, and being encouraged to learn new skills and grow with the company.

Teamwork makes the dream work

We believe that each teammate at Conquest Graphics lives by the motto, “teamwork makes the dream work.” Each department is committed to the common goal of providing the highest quality products at great prices, backed up with outstanding customer service. Below are some of the sentiments our team members shared:

“Every department is committed to working together for the benefit of each other, the customer, and the company as a whole,” Cindy, one of our Account Executives, said. "Whether it’s finding out the status of an order from the production team, working with estimating to generate a quote for a large customer order, or speaking with the IT department to help answer a customer's technical question, everyone is happy to help."

“The reason why I am excited to come to work every day is that I get to work with a diverse group of interesting people, who are focused on a common goal and who truly know the meaning of teamwork,” our Marketing Coordinator, Joe, said. “When you come to work with engaging and positive folks it’s easy to get things done.”

“I trust that no matter what the issue or problem is, someone will either have the answer or take the time to help me find a solution.” Alex, Lead Designer, said.

It goes to show, when you can trust your employees to help with tasks that are outside your wheelhouse and not be embarrassed to ask questions, the power of true teamwork shines.

Encouraging growth and learning

Staying up-to-date with the latest technology is crucial to our business’s success. We are always searching for new ways to produce a better product and help make life simpler for our customers. In order for us to stay ahead of the curve, we understand that we must encourage our employees to grow and evolve into positions that they feel passionate about.

When staff members come to work, there is always something new and exciting waiting, and sometimes it may require them to learn a new skill, which we highly encourage. “Every day, I try to become more valuable to the company and myself,” Alex said. “I get to learn something new nearly every day, whether it is on my own, from a customer or one of the many knowledgeable people that work here, life is never boring here at Conquest Graphics.”

Having the right tools at your disposal is just one part of the equation, and knowing how to put those tools to use is just as important. “I know that our company will spare no expense to stay on the cutting edge of technology, giving sales people like myself the competitive edge when trying to grow our business,” said Bela, Business Development Specialist. We make a point to ensure that everyone is on the same page when changes are made by encouraging our employees to become experts at all of the new technology we regularly implement.

Having been with the company for several years, Bela, like the rest of our employees, has been encouraged to explore other positions where she feels her passions and skills would best be put to use. After working as a sales manager and a customer service manager, Bela saw an opportunity to create a position for someone that could closely manage key accounts and focus on organizational growth by recruiting account executives across the country to better serve our growing customer base.

Eventually it was decided that she would be the best person for the job because of her unique experience and proven track record. This is just one of many examples of utilizing our employees unique skill sets to create a position to better serve the needs of our customers.

It’s important to us that we empower our employees to not only be better at their jobs but better people in general. Lacy, Account Executive, said about working at Conquest Graphics, “I get to make myself really proud when I sound professional. For example, I used to not be very good at talking to some of the executives I speak with [today], without stuttering or sounding like a robot. Someone actually asked me if I was a robot on the phone once when I first started here!”

With the help of her fellow employees and leaders, Lacy has quickly developed into a fantastic account executive, communicating confidently with business owners on a daily basis.


We understand the importance of work life balance and respect the obligations of raising a family. That’s why we offer the opportunity to work from home for some of our positions. Working from home allows our employees to take care of what matters most, while still being able to have a successful and engaging career.

One of our senior account executives, Mike said, “I am able to see my children before they start their day instead of only later at night, like I was when commuting." He went on describe the benefit to his flexible schedule and working from home by saying, “I have the ability to create my own success with a clear focus.”

Working from home has also allowed Samantha, another senior account executive, to flourish while still maintaining a busy family life. “I get to wake up, spend time with my family, and not feel rushed to get to work because I have been fortunate enough to work for a great company from the comforts of my own home.” Samantha said. With her cheerleader-esque personality, she exclaimed, “The best part is, I get to talk on the phone as loudly as I want!”

Our flexibility is not only extended to our remote employees; we understand that visits to the doctor - for yourself or for your family member - and other obligations are an unavoidable part of life. We work with our employees to make sure that their health and other needs are met. “I’m very grateful that my superiors are compassionate to our own and our family’s emergency and needs.” Jason, database specialist-in-training, said.

We encourage you to think about what makes you grateful about your work, and implementing the idea of “getting to go to work” at your company. By having a positive attitude towards work, you’ll find that the day goes by faster, and is filled with more joy. Focusing on the positive aspects of your day will help you be more grateful for what you have and make those around you feel the same as well.

Attitude of Gratitude: Positivity Towards Work

Every Sunday, around the world, people say to themselves, “Ugh, I have to go to work tomorrow,” It’s understandable. It is sad when our time to spend with family and do the things we enjoy is over. With a positive mindset, we can alter that perception and look forward to all aspects of our lives; work included!

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