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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

Printing Templates

Here you will find our recommended templates for commonly ordered products. These templates should be used in your setup and design process to verify that your important content is within the desired print boundaries.

Note that all products desiring bleed (printing over the edge of the final-sized paper) must be designed larger than the final trim size, as shown in the templates via brightly colored areas.

Folding Options

When a product is folded, such as a brochure, careful attention should be paid to the spacing and columns to ensure your columns are aligned with the folds.

Folding can be as simple or complicated as you want to make it. Conquest Graphics offers 8* of the most common fold configurations. These include: half fold; tri-fold; Z fold; gate fold; half and then half fold; half and then tri-fold; tri-fold and then half fold; and of course the simplest – no fold.

If you have specialized requirements, please let us know before completing your order so we can ensure your job comes out the way you need it to.

* Not all fold options are available on all product/size combinations.

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