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Landscape 12 x 9 EDDM Postcard Template & Sample Design Files

Landscape 12 x 9 EDDM Postcard Design Template (AKA 12 x 9 Flat EDDM Mailer)

Dimensions: 12" x 9” (width x height)

Commonly Used For: Retail marketing, promoting your grand opening and introducing your brand to a local audience, health care industry marketing, geo farming with Every Door Direct Mail, offering a discount or promoting a sale to a new audience, and more.

About Our 12 x 9 Landscape EDDM Mailer Templates

EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail) is an effective and low-cost direct mail service that allows you to reach every address (either residential or residential and business) on a selected mailing route. Because of this, your EDDM mailer will be seen by many people and your design needs to appeal to the majority of those who live on your selected route.

With the 12 x 9 EDDM postcard being a relatively large postcard (larger than a standard letter-sized piece of paper which is 8.5” x 11”) you have plenty of room to include details about your brand or offer while also including eye-catching design elements that emphasize your message.

For help creating a 12 x 9 EDDM postcard in landscape format, you need to use a 12 x 9 EDDM postcard design template which we offer in several formats above that you can download for free.

Each of our 12 x 9 EDDM templates (including the annotated pdf template and the customizable packaged InDesign sample) offers guidelines for you to follow to ensure you create an EDDM flat mailer that aligns with the USPS EDDM design requirements. In addition to providing guidelines for the EDDM mailing information placement and parameters required by the USPS the 12 x 9 EDDM mailer templates provide you with guidelines so you can easily create a design that follows the proper bleed, margin, and trim area needed for printing.

If you need any assistance with your 12x9 EDDM postcard design or have questions about our 12x9 EDDM postcard template in landscape format, don’t hesitate to call us at 800-707-9903 or visit our design services page to get in touch with one of our graphic designers!

Additional 12x9 EDDM Postcard Resources

Direct Mailer Template

USPS Direct Mailer Templates

EDDM Mailing Routes

How to Select The Right EDDM Mailing Routes

What is EDDM

Hot to Get Started With EDDM

Option Information