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#10 Envelope Template & Design Files

#10 Envelope Design Template

Dimensions: 9.5” x 4.125” (width x height)

Commonly Used For: Enclosing and sending letters through the mail, mailing important notices and other documentation like invoices, statements, paychecks, correspondences, or receipts, financial services marketing, and so much more.

Tips for Creating an Effective #10 Envelope

The key to an effective #10 envelope design is branding. With the USPS requiring special placement for the mailing information and indicia, the #10 envelope doesn’t offer much room for many design elements. However, it does offer plenty of space for your logo as well as a few opportunities to include your brand’s colors, contact information, and tagline.

To create a successful #10 envelope design, make sure to take advantage of a #10 envelope design template which we have available in several formats above. Our free #10 envelope templates offer guidelines for you to follow to ensure your envelope design has the correct bleed and margin needed to print at the highest quality.

If you need any assistance with your #10 envelope design or have questions about our #10 envelope design template, don’t hesitate to call us at 800-707-9903 or head to our design services page to request design help today!

Additional #10 Envelope Resources

Direct Mailer Templates

USPS Direct Mailer Templates

Direct Mail Sizes

Understanding the Many Direct Mail Sizes

Direct Mail Design Tips

10 Effective Direct Mail Design Tips

Option Information