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Tracking Direct Mail Jobs with Mail Reports

Direct mail is essential for any good marketing strategy today. Here are 6 facts that will help establish a basis of understanding about this very important print medium.

Conquest Graphics is excited to announce the addition of new mail delivery reporting options for jobs mailed with Conquest Graphics.

Utilizing the USPS’ Intelligent Mail® barcode technology, Conquest Graphics can now provide mailing customers with dynamic reports showing when their individual mailed pieces are arriving at their regional, state and even local post office destinations.

This new feature allows customers to know approximately when their mailed pieces are arriving in their target audiences’ mailboxes, and the dynamic data can give mailers a more complete understanding of the success of their direct mail campaigns.

Once you’ve purchased mailing reports through the website or with the assistance of a customer service or sales team member, you can begin accessing your mailing reports immediately! Using either the email address associated with your account or an email address of your choosing that you’ve communicated to us through customer service, you will receive notifications when your mailing report receives new data from the USPS on the progress of your job.

This data can be accessed either through the “Your Jobs” section of your account when you log into ConquestGraphics.com or you can access it using the link that will be emailed to you as we receive up-to-date information that dynamically updates your report.


The link that is emailed to you to view the report is the most convenient method of viewing the report, and it is valid for 24 hours after it is sent to you, allowing you to access the report without having to enter your login details for ConquestGraphics.com

If it is more than 24 hours after you have received the last update on your mailing job and you have not received a newer link since then with new updates on the job, you will have to login to your account and access the mailing report under the job in the “Your Jobs” section of your account.

No matter what, your most up-to-date mailing report will always be accessible there once you have purchased it using one of the above outlined purchasing methods.

If you are experiencing difficulty accessing your mailing report or would like a specialized method of receiving notifications of your reports availability and updates, please speak to a member of our customer service or sales team.

Depending on which version of the mailing report you choose to purchase, you will receive various amounts of information on your mailed job.

  • Sectional Center Facility (SCF) report – this report will give you information on the dates your mailers arrive at various sectional center facilities, which are basically regional processing and distribution centers that serve a specific geographic area defined by three-digit zip code prefixes. This is the least specific form of mail reporting, as it will only give you an idea of when your mailed items reached the distribution centers for each region. You can insinuate from this report that your mailers have arrived at their destinations roughly within the week. This report will not tell you which states your mailers have arrived in, but it will tell you which regional post distribution centers they have gone through.
  • State level reporting – this report will give you information on the dates your mailers arrive at destination post offices within their destination states. This won’t give you the full details of when your mailers are arriving at their destination post offices, it will just tell you how many of your mailers have made it to their destination state. From this, you can assume that your mailers will deliver within the given state in less than a week. For example, this report will tell you that one hundred of your individual mail pieces made it to New Jersey on May 1st, but it won’t tell you which individual post offices they’ve arrived at or which regional post distribution centers they’ve arrived to.
  • Both SCF and state level reporting – this report will let you know both when your mailers are arriving in their destination states and it will let you know when they’ve reached their regional level postal centers for distribution. You can then assume that your mailers will deliver within the week following their arrival to their destination state and destination Sectional Center Facility.
  • Detailed reporting – this report will give you up to date information on the dates your mailed pieces are arriving to their destination post offices. You can assume from this that your mailed pieces will arrive to their destination within 1-2 days. This report is the most detailed of our reporting styles available and shows you how many of the total expected pieces have reached their destination post offices by certain dates, giving you a full picture of the status of your entire mail job. Using this mail report, you can tell what percentage of your mailed pieces made it where they needed to be and in what timing. For example, if you are planning a grand opening for your store on Friday, this report can tell you that the mailed promo you sent out to your region arrived to their destination post offices on Tuesday, meaning they will reach their end destinations in time to promote your grand opening that Friday.
  • All available reporting – this mailing report will give you all the available information received from the USPS on the status of your mailed job. This will give you complete understanding of when your individual mailed pieces are arriving in their regional, state and, ultimately, destination post offices.

So, if you’re using Conquest Graphics for your first-class mail, periodicals or standard mail jobs, consider adding mail reporting as an add-on to your order.

If you have any questions about the specifics of this new offering or if you’d like to add it to your next direct mail order, feel free to contact a representative by emailing CustomerService@ConquestGraphics.com, calling 800-707-9903, or chatting in using the chat feature on our website between 8:00am and 7:00pm EST Monday through Friday.

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