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How to Market That You’re Hiring in 2022

How to market that you are hiring in 2021.

We’ve all seen the “Now Hiring” signs posted on almost every restaurant and retail window we pass by, and that’s just the surface of the ongoing labor shortage.

The number of job openings have increased drastically in 2022 and industries of all types are having trouble finding new employees to fill those openings.

In 2021 it was reported that there were 10.4 million job openings in the United States and that number is currently totaled at 11.5 million with no workers to be found. That’s a lot. Which means if your company is one of the many searching to fill job positions, you are going to have to get your recruitment message out in the most effective way.

Recruitment Marketing Strategies

As you look to hire for new positions, you need to make sure that you're reaching out to the best possible candidates in the best possible way.

Yet, recruiting the right people for your business is easier said than done, and with more and more businesses searching for great applicants, you need a marketing strategy that makes your business stand out.

Reach Jobseekers on Multiple Channels

If you are looking to hire, chances are you’re already utilizing recruitment platforms like Indeed or Zip Recruiter and even posting on LinkedIn.

Reach job seekers online and offline for a more effective recruitment marketing strategy.

Why not increase your job listing visibility while increasing your brand’s awareness by taking advantage of combining online and offline marketing? Not only will this increase your results, but your competitors are likely not doing this so those perfect candidates will be more likely to notice and apply for your job listing rather than your competitor.

Consider sending a postcard that corresponds with your LinkedIn advertisement, or a brochure that aligns with the details of the open positions you have listed on a recruitment platform.

Be sure to include a unique URL or QR code so you can track your results. This will also help your potential new employees access your application page with ease.

Reach People Searching for Jobs and Who Live Close By

People like to work close to home. A long commute is never something anyone is searching for when they are looking for a new job.

That’s why marketing to those who live close to your business’s location—say a 5-10-minute drive—is extremely effective in getting people interested in sending you, their application.

That's what Drive Time Mailing does, it lets you target individuals who live a certain distance in minutes away. It takes account for traffic lights, speed limits, physical obstacles, etc., to give you an accurate audience based on how far away in minutes they live.

Better yet, Drive Time Mailing pairs with Propensity Mailing so along with reaching people based on how far their commute would be, you can also target people who are likely to switch their career/job and even people who are actively searching for a new career.

Reach a Large Audience

The more people you reach, the more the word gets out that your business has a job opening, and the more likely you are to meet a qualifying candidate.

Every Door Direct Mail

Using a direct mail marketing solution like Every Door Direct Mail or EDDM, allows you to reach every household on a chosen mailing route.

Even if your direct mail marketing material reaches somebody who isn’t searching for a job, chances are they know someone who is.

Word of mouth is so important when it comes to looking for new employees. And when you place your recruitment marketing message in the hands of many people, your message is guaranteed to be seen, and your chances of gaining a new employee skyrocket.

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Recruitment Marketing Materials

73% of job seekers say that the process of looking for a job is one of the most stressful events in life. So why not place your job listing in job seekers hands to eliminate some of the job searching stress?

Here are some of the most effective materials you can take advantage of to get your message in the hands of people searching for jobs.

Recruitment Postcards

Recruitment Postcards

Postcards will forever be a direct mail marketing favorite because they are extremely affordable and effective! You can even send out as few postcards as you would like while still taking advantage of bulk mail discounts with the help of Postcard Commingling.

Postcards get your message across quickly and that’s important when there are so many competitors searching for the right applicant as well.

Recruitment Flyers

Recruitment Flyers

Recruitment flyers are one of the cheapest and proven materials to inform a large audience that a certain job is available.

You can hand them out at a career fair or in a public place with high foot traffic or use them in a direct mail campaign.

Include the name of your company, your logo, and contact info including phone number or website URL on your recruitment flyer. Even include the job requirements so prepare potential new employees on what their new job would entail.

Recruitment Brochure

Recruitment Brochures

Brochures can be an extremely effective recruiting tool when you have a job position available where letting potential applicants know about the details of the job is important—pretty much a great tool for every recruitment strategy.

The individual will likely hold on to your brochure when thinking about which direction they want to go with their career, and they’ll remember and view your brochure while keeping your business top of mind.

Brochures are also perfect for introducing your business to job seekers. Letting them know who your business is and how your business is better than other businesses they may have looked at is the perfect way to intrigue the right person to apply for your open position.

Recruitment Poster

Recruitment Posters

Posters are a cost-effective form of advertising your recruitment marketing message and they allow you to spread the word of an available job opportunity to a wide audience.

Make sure to place your posters where there is high traffic and that you include an eye-catching design that delivers your message in a clear way.

Also, like all of your recruitment marketing materials, it’s important to include branding elements like your company name and logo, along with a way for your audience to reach you regarding the open job position.

"Now Hiring" Yard Signs

Yard signs may not be right for every business, but for some businesses, like restaurants, retail, and any business where cars drive by or people walk by, they're the perfect recruitment marketing tool.

They don’t take much work to create either, all you really need to get the job done is a couple eye-catching colors, a few design elements, and a clear and clean font that is large enough and reads “Now Hiring” and your contact info. Of course, don’t forget your branding elements either, so individuals know who and what type of business has a potential job opportunity for them.

Recruitment Banner

Recruitment Banners

Unlike postcards and brochures, banners aren’t ideal for every business, similar to yard signs.

They are also a bit pricier than a yard sign, however, with their large-format scale, they are extremely successful at grabbing the attention of people who pass by.

Business Cards

When you meet a qualified candidate for your job opening, you need to make sure that they have a way to contact you. So, make sure you always have a business card handy, especially when you are searching for top talent to fill a position at your company.

A business card is a professional marketing tool that when handed to prospects will increase the chances of them giving you a call.

Pocket folder printing with Conquest Graphics

Branded Pocket Folders

Branded pocket folders are perfect for when your business attends an event like a career fair.

You can include a brochure, business card, and some branded letterhead that provide details of who your business is and what potential employees can expect when working for your company.

In fact, organizations who invest in branding, like branded pocket folders, are 3x more likely to make a quality hire. So, if you do attend a career fair or host a recruitment event, it’s wise to not leave the house without branded pocket folders full of informational resources.


With the current labor shortage, there is a tremendous number of companies searching for new employees just like you. But there is hope by taking advantage of some powerful recruitment marketing strategies, including:

  • Reaching a large, local audience through EDDM.
  • Targeting individuals searching for jobs and who would have a short commute.
  • Marketing online and offline to increase your job posting’s visibility.

Along with these strategies, when you take advantage of marketing materials like postcards, brochures, signs, and more, your message is guaranteed to be seen, and your chances of finding the perfect candidate increases.

Click below to get started on enhancing your recruitment marketing today.

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