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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

AAF Tank Museum

As a family run Nonprofit Military Museum, the AAF Tank Museum uses print and direct mail to get the word out about our mission of collecting, displaying and preserving military history. We strive to preserve the memories of our fighting men and women, so that future generations will have available to them military history to learn from and explore.

AAF Tank Museum

Being a Private Nonprofit means, we do not receive federal, government, or local financial support. So for print and direct mail, the museum has limitations on how many people we can reach. With a grant from Conquest Graphics, we would be able to reach out to the community and further; to let them know what we offer and what our mission is.

With a grant for print and direct mail, we would be able to reach out and let people know what they will learn about when visiting the museum. That they will see first hand the sacrifices that our men and women make. They will also be able to witness the honor and respect that the museum gives to our soldiers. The grant would allow us to reach more people then we currently have the means to do.

With help from Conquest Graphics we would be able to do a direct mail postcard campaign that would go out to households and offer them a brief glimpse of what they will experience on their visit to the AAF Tank Museum. We may even be able to reach some schools and let them know what educational options we have for their students.

Some of our print dollars are spent on FREE ADMISSION tickets that we give out to organizations, schools, fundraisers, churches, etc. These tickets can be used for fundraisers, giveaways, incentives and prizes, that other organizations use to encourage involvement in their cause. The AAF Tank Museum likes to help other community organizations with their projects and causes; these free admission tickets do just that.

Each year we do event flyers for our Flamethrower Days and RC Tank Battles, which we mail out to supporters and our volunteers put them out in local shops and stores. These events are our large fundraisers for the year and the flyers help us reach more people.

A couple times a year we do a mailing to Welcome Centers and Visitor Centers in Virginia, and send them our Rack Cards to put out for their visitors to grab when visiting Virginia or traveling through the area. We have seen a tremendous amount of positive return on this initiative. Many people have mentioned to us on their visit that they picked up our rack card and made a detour to visit because they did not want to miss it.

As a museum, print materials help us stay connected to the people in the community. Print and direct mail is one of the more expensive costs to nonprofits and this Grant Program is an amazing way for us to reach out to new people and invite them to visit. To give them a place to learn about military history and get an in-depth understanding of what we do here at the AAF Tank Museum.

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