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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Camp Alkulana of the River City Faith Network

Camp Alkulana has used Conquest Graphics for our print mail needs for many years. Our mailing list contains a large number of supporters ranging from former campers and counselors, to members of area churches that support the Camp, to interested philanthropists. Each spring and fall we send mailers to update our community about the work Camp Alkulana is doing to improve the lives of children and youth in the Richmond area. We work with our designer to create products that highlight stories, quotes, photos, and facts about our summer camp program and school-year programs. We often hear from our supporters that these beautiful graphics that show up in their mail boxes are an important reminder to contribute and partner with us.

This year we included a note from our director: Camp Alkulana hosted another successful summer in 2022, thanks to the support of our church and community partnerships! Campers and staff members enjoyed four camp sessions from June to August at our camp home in Bath County. As usual, we had fun in the camp creek, in caves, and hanging from ropes on the rappel tower. We grew together through meaningful (and hard!) conversations, tackling our fears, and building new friendships. Our friends at Derbyshire Baptist Church purchased new mattresses for every bed in camp! A long-time camp supporter purchased sweatshirts for every camper to take home. Volunteers cooked and cleaned and crafted alongside our campers. We were all changed from our experiences at Alkulana and from the investments that our partners made in their lives through Alkulana. When asked how he knew camp made a difference in his campers’ lives one counselors said, “The proof is me. The proof is how we all keep coming back!”

Camp Alkulana 

Now that summer is over, we turn our attention to our school year programs that offer continued supports to our campers and their families. Alkulana RVA is Camp Alkulana’s primary school-year program in Richmond. We host events throughout the year to continue friendships from the summer, build social-emotional skills, and have fun together! Participation is open to those ages 9-13 who are Alkulana campers or are interested in becoming campers. The Alkulana Peer Program (APP) is Camp Alkulana's school-year program for former campers ages 14-18. We meet monthly to continue camp friendships and offer opportunities for leadership development and mentorship. The success of this program last school year was seen in the huge number of junior counselors who applied and worked last summer—17 in total!

Our Family Liaison, SaraAnne Burgess works closely with our families to provide connections to resources like food and other material supports for holidays and throughout the year. We are partnering with our Richmond Baptist Centers and local churches to accomplish this.

We are thankful to the supports our camp enjoys from our RCFN churches and other individuals and organizations who believe in the work of the camp. We are able to do this work because of these strong partnerships working together in love for Richmond’s children.

We also use print products from Conquest Graphics for Christmas Cards, invitations to special events, and other office needs like business cards and stationary.

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