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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Chamber of Haunters

As the Chamber of Haunters, we serve as a Chamber of Commerce within the Haunted Attraction Industry. We provide a lot of services and products for our members so they can have the most success possible. We have many printing needs such as: Flyers for the conventions and events we attend, business cards for our Board Members and informational documents to send to our membership when needed. We would also like to print a large foldable/customizable yearly calendar to our membership, so they know when certain Chamber Events are taking place and conventions are happening throughout each year.

Chamber of Haunters 

In 2021, we ended up waiving all membership dues for existing members to help them through the hard times and still be able to provide them with benefits to ensure their survival and success. In 2022, we cut all membership dues down to half off until December 31st of 2022. We did this to show our members that we are truly here to help and wanted them to be able to continue to have membership in our chamber while enjoying the benefits we provide. The only bad part is that over 2 years, we have taken a financial hit in making these decisions to help our members and while financially we are rebuilding our organization, now having over 150 members nationwide, an opportunity such as this would greatly benefit us so that we can get what we need to finish our 2022 year strong and start 2023 off on the right track and running out of the gate. You will be crucial in helping us to do that as our 15 member board are all volunteers from around the country and nobody gets paid for what we provide in the way of services or products. 100% of our funds go right back into the education, training and advocacy of our members so they have the best chances to grow and succeed.

My hope is that we can have the opportunity to receive this grant so that we can get what we need to finish off 2022 and prepare to have what we need for the events and conventions we are attending in 2023. We would also be interested in partnering with your company to be our official printing company and send our members to you for any of their printing needs. Once again, I hope that this opportunity can come to pass and that we can get the help we need so we can in turn help our members and possible incoming members in 2023.

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