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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Henrico CASA

Henrico CASA has been speaking up for vulnerable children, specifically those experiencing abuse and neglect, and supporting Henrico County's juvenile court system since 1994.

  • Henrico Judges have sworn-in 400+ volunteers as Court Appointed Special Advocates.
  • Henrico CASA has consistently served 100% of the cases referred by these Judges, reaching 3,785 children and counting.
  • Henrico CASA’s volunteers dedicate a combined total of 10,000 hours of time annually to ensure safe, healthy homes.

Each year, Henrico CASA leaves a lasting impact on the children and families that we serve. We have historically used print and direct mail to ensure all friends of CASA – volunteers, donors, and supporters, can see that impact in our annual report.

In 2022, we strengthened our impact campaign by printing and mailing quarterly impact postcards that share not only data about CASA’s impact, but also stories of children and families served. We value these quarterly impact mailings because they give us the opportunity to show gratitude. We are incredibly grateful for each and every person that supports CASA. We realize that we could not accomplish our mission without the selfless commitment from many in our community.

We also print flyers and create promotional signage to raise awareness for our annual Home for Good playhouse giveaway event. Playhouses are the perfect visual of a safe, happy, and healthy childhood. We partner with local builders to create, display, and give away one-of-a-kind playhouses that are on display at Short Pump Town Center. This is our signature fundraising event that allows Henrico CASA to serve the children referred to us for advocacy services.

We are brainstorming creative ways to use print materials to grow interest in our Home for Good event during April. We are partnering with various local businesses to display signs and flyers regarding the event. We are also considering non-traditional print materials such as coffee sleeves that would catch customer attention.

Our hope is to continue to educate the community regarding the needs of children and families... because better understanding their needs and how to meet those needs translates into child abuse prevention. We are launching a podcast in March of 2023 called Vigilant Voices to explore challenges that families face and issues related to childhood trauma. We will be printing signage with the podcast logo to have on display for the recording studio.

Child abuse and neglect are difficult subjects – especially when you realize that families are in crisis all around us. None of us want to dwell on the darkness that these children experience… That is why it is so important to us to raise awareness with positive communications. We create print materials that feel hopeful. They focus on what childhood should be and what childhood can be for vulnerable children when CASA intervenes.

We are proud to be bringing safety and security to our community, one child at a time. Healthy children grow to become healthy adults who create a healthy community.

More information on our mission and impact is on our website at www.HenricoCASA.org.

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