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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program


In short, we’ll use it for outreach. Our non profit designs and runs events for charitable organizations to aid them in fundraising and public awareness of their mission. Normally we operate behind the scenes, allowing the non profit organizations we working with- and their mission- to take center stage. And Halloween seems to be our busiest season.

One of the main reason we started Phoen FX was to make sure that children and adults that suffer from sensory challenges can still enjoy a mainstay of the holiday- Scarehouses. Being close to all the big and wonderful haunts there was a certain amount of the population that, unfortunately, could not attend these amazing Halloween traditions and several people reached out to us to find the solution. Although the solution was not easy, it was obvious.

Devices needed to be created to cut loud noise and bright flashing lights on the spot in order to accommodate a wide range of sensory challenges and age ranges. The goal was to create a haunts as a completely adaptive environment, capable of changing in only a few short minutes.

We reached out to several organizations to see how we could incorporate a fully adaptive environment and collaborated with experts in the industry. We are proud to have them join our board of directors, which is now comprised of industry veterans, engineers, teachers, college students, accountants, and promoters to help us reach our goals and help these organizations obtain their fullest outreach. We use our wide range of knowledge to create products- from simple effects to complete events- to help others achieve their goals and ultimately run a successful fundraiser for them. Recently, we have been invited to several trade shows requiring us to promote our services beyond word of mouth.

Having professionally printed advertising materials and trade show paraphernalia would elevate our message, increase our professional clout, and expand our reach throughout Florida and our target industries.

Tradeshows are imperative to this. They are the single easiest way to reach the greatest amount of people in any given industry. But tradeshows are highly competitive for attendees attention, and very often you only have 15 seconds to make a good impression and draw the potential customer, client, donor, and/or partner into your space, and into your cause.

Currently, we only have a very basic booth set up. We know we need to have something to draw attention which, of course, means higher printing costs for any customized booth set up and promotional materials. This takes away from the monies used to create the electronic components to give to the various charities in which we work with currently and those that we are trying to reach in our marketing efforts.

We are hoping you will consider helping us start our community outreach program. We know we can help several other organizations if we can get ourselves out there. We have even been invited out to a major convention Texas in July which we are hopeful we can attend.

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