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CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Sanctification Ministry

Sanctification Ministry is a Christ-Centered Church that is dedicated to loving God with all our heart, spirit and soul and to loving our neighbor as ourselves. Our vision is to create a global network of intercessors, a global spiritual army to set captive people, families, and nations free for Jesus Christ. Our mission is to make disciples, and prayer warriors for Jesus through teachings and practical intercessory prayers in order to destroy the schemes of the devil in families, communities, and the church.

Sanctification Minisrty

As a church, one of the things that we focus on is outreach. Starting last year, we begin organizing a yearly conference/convention to reach out to people outside the four walls of our church. In order to get the word out about this event, we need to print flyers that we can put up in public spaces but also smaller flyers that our church members can pass around to their families, friends, coworkers, neighbors. Last year we printed more than 8000 flyers and expect to do the same this year. Additional printing needs for the conference/convention included printing program booklets (which we printed through Conquest Graphics).

Each year we organize two prayer retreat and we have had some minimal printing needs; however moving forward our printing needs increase as we would like to provide more printed teaching materials but also some advertising materials that participants can take home with them and spread the word around.

We have recently launched an evangelism campaign named "Souls for Jesus Christ". This campaign consists in going out into the streets to talk about the Gospel and win souls to Jesus Christ. We will be developing printed material that we can share with the people we minister to. Printed material to include some introductory material to the gospel but also information about our church.

Statistics show that a lot of people in the DMV region do not know Christ or do not believe in him. We want as many people as possible to hear about the good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We also would like to advertise about our church so that those who do not have a church home and invite them to become members of our church.

Continuing to look at improving our branding, we are looking at getting office supplies such as printing paper and notepads with the church's letterhead. We have been using store bought general purpose envelopes but moving forward we would like to use custom made envelopes dedicated to offerings with the church information but also some prefilled information and blanks to be completed.

Printing has helped us in the past reaching out to more people than we would otherwise have. We were able to handout the flyers but also put them on small ad boards and in some stores where people could pick them up. The distribution of this printed material helps us have a great turnout at last years' convention. Also having printed program allowed people to keep track of their days.

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