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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Hanover Cares

Hanover Cares is dedicated to eliminating the use of alcohol, nicotine, and other drugs among Hanover County youth, through education and community collaboration. As a grant-funded 501(c)(3), we sustain our coalition and community partnerships through marketing.

Hanover Cares 

At local outreach events we attend, such as National Night Out, health fairs, Ashland First Fridays, and other community-sponsored events, we use print marketing to share alcohol and drug abuse awareness and print messaging. Within just sharing print marketing, we also try to create it to target the many demographics we want to reach. This includes youth, parents, those of the Spanish-speaking community, faith-based organizations, and community partners.

We also started using print marketing for our coalition committee strategies. Our Business Cares committee, which is a committee that specializes in Hanover Cares donations and fundraising, created postcards to share with local businesses to invite to be a sponsor of Hanover Cares. Our organization also has a youth coalition, called Teens Care Too, that provides peer-to-peer education and support around youth substance use prevention. This group also engages the community and middle and high school youth across Hanover County by sharing messaging on multiple social media platforms about alcohol, marijuana, and vaping education. They are a dedicated group of youth leaders who are passionate about educating their community of peers. They create graphics to be printed on posters, yard signs, flyers, and letterhead to do outreach to their legislators. Furthermore, Hanover Cares has used print marketing within our events, such as our Hidden in Plain Sight event, which we use to educate parents on the signs of substance use in the home. Along with posters for the event, we share alcohol and marijuana prevention messaging materials and other recovery resources that has information in regards to support for families reaching out for help.

The coalition members of Hanover Cares are very diverse, and we are growing. We come from many different backgrounds that include but are not limited to representatives from the school, faith-based, local business, government, law enforcement, parent groups, recovery, and treatment centers. However, we all carry the same passion to put in the effort to protect our youth in the community and educate them on reasons to stay substance free. Through the years, print marketing has been able to assist us with sustaining these relationships with our coalition members. In using flyers, yard signs, posters, resource cards, banners, and resources, new coalition members have been able to learn about us and it has assisted the coalition greatly with providing information to the community on how to receive the help they need regarding substance free.

With the continued assistance of Conquest Graphics, Hanover Cares will be able to grow and sustain its relationship with the community. Conquest Graphics has been assisted with printing our resource cards that have been distributed to people who need help across the commonwealth, postcards to grow the coalition through donations, and posters and resources that have been able to educate parents and using on addiction and prevent their children and peers from using drugs and alcohol at an early onset. Continued grant support from Conquest Graphics would help us in our new fiscal year to reach new members of the community members and those who need help with professionally printed materials.

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