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CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Graham's Foundation

Graham's Foundation was created in memory of my son, who died as a result of his premature birth. When I got the news from the doctor that our twins had to be delivered immediately, nearly 15 weeks premature, I had no idea what the future held, but I made up my mind that I would use this journey, no matter the outcome, to make a difference, somehow, some way. On Thanksgiving day, November 23, 2006, via emergency c-section, Reece and Graham were delivered at 25 weeks and 3 days gestational age.


I spent day and night at the NICU. Graham had an incredibly difficult journey. My intuition was that his time with us during this lifetime would be brief. Graham was with us for only 45 days and I am eternally grateful for every moment.


Founded in 2009, our vision is a world where no parent goes through the experience of prematurity alone.


Our mission is to inform and guide parents of preemies so that they may confidently navigate the journey of prematurity.

Our Values are:

Financial and Operational Transparency, sharing the sources of our funding and how we spend those funds to support our mission

Equitable and Inclusive Programs, consistently measuring the quality of our support and striving to provide support that is equitable and inclusive

Environmentally Sensitive, we operate with a sensitivity to how we impact the environment

Our ongoing printing needs include but are not limited to:

We provide complimentary preemie parent care packages to families throughout the US, shipping over 1,000 care packages each and every year.

Our preemie parent care package is designed for parents of premature babies – with an emphasis placed on providing information and resources that are most helpful while in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and the exciting and oftentimes, overwhelming experience of transitioning home from the NICU.

Care packages can be requested by the parents directly or by family, friends or NICU staff. Care packages are shipped directly to the parent’s home.

Given that our care packages are completely branded with Graham's Foundation, we require a printing partner to help us meet the needs to fulfill the constant demand for our care packages from parents, friends, family and the staff and neonatal intensive care units.

We also send a yearly an annual paper-based update to our community of donors so they are up to date on all of our good work.

We also send regular updates to neonatal intensive care units so they are up to date and aware of our support services, recognizing that there is often turnover and a need to make sure the current staff and knowledgeable of our support services.

We are a tiny non-profit, serving families with tiny babies. That said, we are incredibly proud of the quality of the materials that we provide to families and are careful to ensure that our branding is sensitive, warm and filled with compassion. It is important that the quality of our materials and the commitment to caring for the environment be consistent with our organization's commitment to doing good and being a good steward of the earth's resources.

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