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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Children's Surgery International

Children's Surgery International provides free pediatric medical and surgical services, along with professional education and training, to communities in need around the world. Our vision is to reduce global health care disparities by helping communities obtain the knowledge, skills and tools to provide life-changing surgical and medical care for children. We currently have partnerships in Liberia, Ethiopia and Mexico.

CSI Logo 

As a small nonprofit committed to operating as efficiently as possible, we rely on an engaged donor base to further our mission and vision. Children's Surgery International uses print and mail services to communicate with our audience about the vital work we are doing in our global community to improve pediatric surgical health outcomes and train our global healthcare professionals.

We send direct mail printed newsletters, annual appeals and invitations for fundraising events including our annual gala. We also use print services for thank you cards, letterheads, custom envelopes, flyers, posters and business cards.

As our budget allows, we print informational tri-folds, booklets, rack cards and brochures with updated organizational statistics. Keeping our information up-to-date in print is imperative to ensuring our audience understands the measurable impact our program is having in the world. Regular communication through print services is imperative to keeping both engagement and brand recognition.

Children's Surgery International understands that ensuring our marketing items are up-to-date is essential maintaining our professional appearance and ensuring our achievements are being disseminated to our public. News needs a channel to dissemination and print services comes into play in this regard.

All nonprofit items printed with the Children's Surgery International logo are vital to promoting brand awareness and engaging our audience of volunteers, donors and potential donors as well as drawing new potential audience members in. The more printed items we can get into the hands of donors, potential donors and volunteers, the larger the marketing footprint we are able to achieve.

We also use printed promotional items such as posters, table tents, table covers, and brochures at fundraising and informational events we hold within the Twin Cities and beyond our metro area. These items bring attention and interest to our event space area and serve to draw people in to learn more about our organization. In this day and age of digital information inundation, having physical pieces of print to distribute at events gives interested individuals something tangible to hold on to and to circle back on as they are able.

Promotional items such as shirts, surgical scrubs, water bottles and fanny packs are used by CSI as gifts and incentives as well as to raise additional funds for our operations.

CSI, like any other organization, can not continue to grow and achieve its objectives without our stakeholders invested in what we do. We also need to constantly be mindful of expanding our footprint if we wish to increase our nonprofit donations and volunteer base. Print items are integral in not only ensuring our nonprofit is recognizable but also in growing our audience. We would be grateful for the consideration of a print grant to help us achieve our print needs.

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