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CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Haiti Scholars

Haiti Scholars, Inc. stands as a steadfast advocate for the enduring impact of print as a communication medium. Since its establishment as a nonprofit organization in 2018, we have used the power of print to convey our story and build support through thousands of letters, event invitations, and pivotal campaigns.

Haiti Scholars

Reflecting on the culmination of our third year working with Conquest Graphics, we continued to be impressed by the outstanding quality of the printed materials. The production of our esteemed gratitude report fills us with pride as we acknowledge the numerous accolades this publication has garnered. The consistently exceptional print quality renders each piece visually captivating and leaves an indelible impression on our recipients. As we prepare to disseminate these final pieces, we express gratitude to our dedicated donors and supporters, and our appreciation extends to the Conquest Graphics staff for providing exceptional quality print final products. Their outstanding collaboration with our team has been instrumental in crafting each printed piece with meticulous attention to detail. The personal touch, accessibility, and unwavering commitment to ensuring the highest quality make Conquest Graphics our preferred choice for printing services. We highly recommend this printing company to other nonprofit organizations. Several organizations have personally inquired about what company produces our outstanding print materials.

Haiti Scholars remains steadfast in its commitment to the belief that education is essential for instilling hope, fostering self-esteem, and empowering children in Haiti. Beyond the provision of scholarships, our multifaceted initiatives encompass the distribution of water filters, administration of deworming medicine and vitamin A supplements, hundreds of physical examinations for staff and children, support for a computer lab and English lessons, and the provision of humanitarian aid when circumstances demand. Despite our status as a relatively small organization, we aspire to expand and enhance our engagement with current and potential donors. Securing a grant would catalyze our efforts to broaden our outreach further.

In the past year, we marked a significant expansion of our reach through an additional large-scale mailing initiative. Notably, the impact of our thank-you cards exceeded our expectations. We still believe a handwritten note is the most authentic expression of gratitude. In summary, we firmly assert that print remains our most invaluable communication tool, allowing us to stay connected with our dedicated donors. Through print, we continue to grow our nonprofit and donor base.

In summary, our unwavering support for print stems from its unmatched ability to convey the depth of our mission and cultivate meaningful connections with our supporters. Conquest Graphics remains our printer of choice thanks to its exceptional service, expertise, and print quality. Since the inception of Haiti Scholars, print has played a pivotal role in shaping our narrative, allowing us to communicate the impact, gratitude, and shared commitment to the well-being of the children we serve. As we look into the future, our dedication to harnessing the enduring power of print remains steadfast. We aim to continue sharing with our supporters the positive change they've facilitated in the lives of Haitian children, families, and teachers through our mailings. We sincerely thank Conquest Graphics for their invaluable partnership in furthering our cause.

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