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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

The Episcopal Project

Describe how your nonprofit uses (or would like to use) print and direct mail to help accomplish its mission.

The Episcopal Project

We are a brand-new nonprofit, and we plan to use print to tell the world that we exist. Our first print effort will be to prepare materials for an exhibit booth that we have rented for a national church convention that will be held in late June 2024. We plan to order a banner for the booth and some printed materials for exhibit visitors to take with them.

How has your organization used print and direct mail?

Because we are a new nonprofit, we have yet to use print or direct mail.

How does your nonprofit plan to use print and direct mail?

We plan to use print materials to tell the world that we have started our mission to preserve and protect the history of The Episcopal Church.

How has print and direct mail helped to promote the valuable message and great things that your organization does?

Since we have just started, this is not yet applicable for The Episcopal Project.

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