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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Extrapelvic Not Rare

Extrapelvic Not Rare (EPNR) uses printed materials to educate the public about endometriosis; a disease as common and potentially devastating as diabetes yet is poorly recognized and undertreated. We use printed materials for projects that advance awareness of, education about, and research into endometriosis as we strive toward our mission while positively impacting those who have, may have, and will develop endometriosis in their lifetime. Although there is no cure for endometriosis, early recognition and intervention can positively impact their quality of life.

Printed materials are used by EPNR to educate the public and medical professionals. Traditionally associated with menstruation (periods), endometriosis has remained a taboo topic, but a growing social justice movement is shifting this. For our part, print is a vital tool to propel endometriosis into mainstream discussions; making an invisible disease visible. There is no cure for endometriosis. However, early recognition increases the chance for a better quality of life. With this, EPNR is dedicated to provide programs for pre-teens to beyond middle age, all gender identities, sexual orientations and race in communities where people live, attend school and work.

Some of the ways EPNR currently uses print include:


Retractable Banners - We use retractable banners, that are often what peaks people’s interest to stop at our table or booth at public events. Banners provide us in-ways to educate people about endometriosis and conduct informal research of each community’s knowledge of the disease. We participate in a range of public events: community resource and health fairs, to college and university events, and upwards to large scale expos. EPNR would like to use retractable banners to educate medical/allied health care students and licensed professionals at universities, medical campuses and medical conferences.

Bookmarks - EPNR distributes Bookmarks with QR codes to access our website and picture eBooks’ (English and Spanish). These bookmarks are among other printed resources we provide at public events, campus health centers, audience members of speaking engagements, and entities who play a role in advancing research investment, diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Yard Signs - Yard signs are an integral part of our pilot program: Endometriosis Edu-Walk. Periods and Endometriosis are not easy topics for most people to talk about, especially younger generations. We recognize it’s often easier to talk about difficult or ‘embarrassing’ topics when physically engaged in something, like walking. Hence, this is an educational event that brings awareness to the community during a self-paced walk for participants to learn more about the disease. This event is paired with other print resources.

Flyers - Flyers have been an effective way for us to announce events. These include:

  1. The promotion of an afterschool screening of an endometriosis documentary at a highschool.
  2. The promotion of The View 5K, our first endometriosis edu-walk that targeted neighborhoods where students of two high schools live.
  3. The promotion and recruitment of participants for a two-part webinar series about endometriosis and research project, completed by EPNR’s hosted graduate student during completion of their Capstone Project. Flyers were distributed across their university campus, and nearby public and retail spaces.
  4. Recruitment of participants for a international research study conducted by an EPNR Director. Flyers were distributed to specialty care facilities that agreed to place them in their waiting rooms.

Sticky Notes & Pens - Even though the world seems to revolve around cell phones, people still use sticky notes and pens. We love to use these as marketing tools; not just because they are a visual reminder to people that we exist, but because, per others, when people see the EPNR logo and our name, they ask what it means and what we are about! These scenarios have led to deeper conversations that has furthered awareness and also directed people to our resources. Reaching and teaching…one at a time.

Business Cards - Business cards are a vital tool during networking opportunities with individuals, companies and government entities. They are an efficient way to exchange contact information and meet as many people as possible when time is limited at events and meetings. The ability to use those precious minutes to highlight EPNR programs and successes rather than verbally exchange contact information is very helpful. As our programs develop, and our staff expand, business cards will ensure new contacts can efficiently reconnect.

Postcards & Letterhead - Postcards and letterhead are used to acknowledge donations and how contributions support our programs. As we develop more events, postcards may also be used as invitations to these to attend. EPNR also uses letterhead to acknowledge recurrent donors or those who provide a single large donation. Letterhead acknowledging the donor, date, donation amount and our EIN provide documentation for tax purposes.

As EPNR evolves, our vision for the use of print to further our mission and give recognition to our organization include:

Brochures - Endometriosis was recently declared a 'silent public health crisis'. EPNR has earmarked the development of age-appropriate brochures, in multiple languages to reach as many people as possible. We look to design three versions of a brochure that contains information about endometriosis and menstrual health; each specific to young adolescents, older adolescents/young adults and mature adults.

Newsletter - Although a yearly newsletter is distributed electronically through our subscribers, we are seeking to provide printed versions of our newsletter at events. These newsletters are used to inform people of the great work our organization is completing, opportunities to get involved or ways to support us.

Print will never be completely replaced by digital communication. Although digital is a permanent fixture in our lives, how and how much it is used, will ebb and flow. While digital has its unique properties and uses, so too does print. Print will always be a catalyst for interest, to make a statement, advance a cause and show appreciation. Like all things, the way we use print will also evolve.

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