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CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Braille Circulating Library

Conquest Graphics is the only printing house used by the Braille Circulating Library (https://brailleciruculatinglibrary.org). We have been pleased with the print materials that Conquest Graphics has published for us over the past several years and hope to continue our partnership in the coming year.

The Braille Circulating Library located in Richmond, Virginia will be celebrating its 100th anniversary next year! We are very excited to plan a party for March 27, 2025 that will allow our library donors, patrons, and volunteers to come together and celebrate this milestone. We will be needing additional print materials such as Save the Date cards, Invitations, and bookmarks to get the word out. We will also be needing a professionally printed Impact Report to share with current and prospective donors.

Braille Circulating Library Used Case Study

The library was established in 1925 to serve those who are blind and visually impaired. The continued mission of our library is unique in that it is one of the last braille libraries in existence that is solely dedicated to the dissemination of Christian and inspirational literature at no cost to the visually impaired community.  When Louise Harrison McGraw co-founded the library in 1925 with Dr. James McConkey, she began with  braille books in the closet of her boarding house on Park Avenue. She could not have imagined at that time, the reach and positive impact of her service to the blind.

Of particular note, is that in 2017, Louise McGraw was recognized by the Library of Virginia as a woman who made important contributions to Virginia, the nation and the world. Her legacy lives on as this nonprofit organization continues to send braille, large print, and cassette materials to adults, teens and children around the United States and abroad.

Going forward, we will be sharing a vision with our donors and patrons that incorporates a shift to newer technology while maintaining our commitment to bring encouraging, uplifting messages that feed the hearts of the young and old alike. We are a 'neighborhood' library receiving calls from local residents and as far away as California and Canada! Our patrons appreciate conversations with our volunteers as they make reading and listening suggestions.

We have been working on a new logo as we recognize our 100th year of service. Before the end of this year we plan to use our remaining 2023 Nonprofit Grant monies to print materials with our new logo.

This brings us to our 2024 Nonprofit Grant Request going forward. In light of our 2025 100th Anniversary Celebration and gearing up our fundraising efforts to continue our mission, we are requesting a $3000 grant for print materials with Conquest Graphics. We are bringing on a new Executive Director and growing our Board of Directors. With fresh, innovative ideas we are preparing to take the Braille Circulating Library into its next one hundred years of service.

This brings us to our 2024 Nonprofit Grant Request going forward. In light of our 2025 100th Anniversary Celebration and gearing up our fundraising efforts to continue our mission, we are requesting a $3000 grant for print materials with Conquest Graphics. We are bringing on a new Executive Director and growing our Board of Directors. With fresh, innovative ideas we are preparing to take the Braille Circulating Library into its next one hundred years of service.

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