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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Children and The Earth

Children and The Earth Use Case Study 

We put posters up throughout all of Utah, and the 50 or so kids we assist at Ride the Brainwave, We print individual personalized flyers for each child which includes their stories. The families then distribute to all their friends and family and put it all over social media. We also use flyers for all of our events.

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The mission of Children and the Earth is to help our community, which is saturated with sick children. We assist kids with any ailment, cancer, brain injury, car accidents, etc. We fundraise year-round and assist with medical bills, their mortgage, groceries. Anything they need. We haven't been able to fundraise for the last year because of Covid, and I have probably 50 kids that could use help right now. About five of them are terminal. We've also lost four in the last six months. It's so hard to go to a funeral when the casket is that small, and we unfortunately have to do it all the time. Many of our parents aren't working because of their child's illness and Covid. They could really use our help. We are very hands-on, we take the families dinners, we have an annual trunk or treat, and an Easter egg hunt, and we take the kids bowling. I’m trying to get them out of their house and their illness off their mind.

We just did Christmas for over 300 kids, we take care of the entire family, not just the sick child. We supply Christmas dinner, a tree, and gifts for the entire family. We didn’t do quite as much as we normally want to because our numbers are down for donations, and this could be really helpful. These kids are like family, a lot of them I’ve been hoping for several years. And they are all so wonderful and beautiful, and most of all grateful. Every time I see them, they have tears in their eyes and think me, and my organization. I can honestly say we do amazing things, and the kids always come first.

Our biggest fundraiser of the year is called ride the brainwave, we usually assist over 50 kids in one day. It’s an all-day event, we have a 5K, a motorcycle rally, a UTV ride, live music, kids fair, and vendors. And all of our sick kids that are able to get out of the hospital come to it. We put them on stage hear their stories and just express all of our love and gratitude for who they are. We had to cancel last year which really put a dent in our funding, but we’re hoping to do it this year in June or July, if the health department will allow it.

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