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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Family Promise of Great Chattanooga

Family Promise of Great Chattanooga Use Case Study 

Family Promise of Greater Chattanooga have used print and direct mail for various projects such as annual appeal letters with donor envelopes, and thank you letters to donors. This year we would like to implement reports to featuring testimonials, client interviews, donor, and partner spotlights. We have not issued a report yet, but we would like to implement that for 2021. This will help our donors stay abreast with the organization and to see that a critical service is provided to prevent homelessness and near homelessness in the Greater Chattanooga area.

Mail is a direct connection to our donors. It's the invitation into their heart-- as home is truly is where the heart is. People want to be included and often feel forgotten about when the only time they are contacted by a non-profit organization is when there is an ask is involved. We seek to establish relationships and long time stakeholders that feel connection with our organization.

Learn More About This Organization:

Family Promise of Greater Chattanooga is part of a national movement to serve needy families. Our mission is to help homeless and low-income families achieve sustainable independence through a community-based approach. Family Promise believes that family homelessness and poverty are complex issues that require comprehensive, innovative solutions and that solving homelessness is not just about housing.

The Family Promise model is unique among agencies providing shelter for families in need because it is a holistic approach to the crisis of family homelessness that includes three key areas of focus: prevention, shelter, and stabilization. And Family Promise gets results – more than 80 percent of the families we serve are still permanently housed one year after receiving our assistance. Key to this is long-term follow-up case management that allows us to identify client needs and connect them with targeted resources in the local community. The result is families that are no longer at risk of homelessness that have maintained their independence and dignity while they transitioned to self-sufficiency.

We shelter families overnight with our partners. At night and on the weekends, Chattanooga area congregations from all denominations provide meals, overnight shelter and hospitality to families in transition 365 days a year. Family Promise is interfaith and accepting of all belief systems. People of every faith are called to serve the needy. While Family Promise is a non-religious, non-denominational organization, our partners include congregations and other groups informed by their religious beliefs and practice to be actively involved in empowering families. Family Promise creates common ground and shared purpose among a diverse array of faith communities.

We provide a safe place for families to shelter during the day. At our Day Center, children play, receive tutoring, and participate in reading programs. Families can eat, take showers, do laundry, receive transportation, case management, educational classes and assistance finding jobs, housing, education, training, supportive services and community resources.

We keep near homeless individuals and families from losing their homes. In addition to helping families that do not currently have a home, we are helping families stay in their homes who would, without our help, be evicted.

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