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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Freckles and Friends

Freckles and Friends Use Case Study 

Freckles and Friends Animal Sanctuary is a safe haven for smaller animals where volunteers learn about animal care and visitors get to spend time with the animals and at the farm for some outside air.

We have been getting printed seasonal postcards from Conquest Graphics to send and drop off to potential places like schools, churches and neighbors and friends to get out the word about our Animal Sanctuary.

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Freckles and Friends Animal Sanctuary started over 13 years ago with one pony and has grown to a safe place for 2 ponies, 6 goats, 5 pigs, 3 guinea hens, 5 roosters, 1 chicken (the rooster's mom), 3 bunnies, 2 alpacas and 3 donkeys. The sanctuary has grown to a location for families, small groups, wonderful volunteers where they find special time with the animals, on the farm and even picnic and play areas.

Willie the pony has been giving rides to children since the start. He goes to church and school events as well as rides at the farm.

The bunnies are the newest addition. The plans are for us to build a nice outside pen and home for them in the next few months or so. We were hoping for all the same sex bunnies but have learned our hopes are not being answered and so we should be adding to the bunnies at the farm probably in the next month or two. We will be glad to get them outside and out of our garage.

The donkeys love to be brushed, hugged and learn to be led by staff, visitors and volunteers around the barnyards. One of our school visits Lulu was just loving all the attention the children were giving her. Especially the hugs.

Kathy and Andy the alpacas are getting to want to come to the fence for special treats. They were very shy when they first arrived. This type of change is what we were hoping for with the animals and people.

Most of our animals have come from homes that needed to rehome their pet.. The pigs have come from being inside home pets to running loose at the farm in the fence areas. We got a new one this past week from the local animal control office as they know we have pigs and would make a good home for it.

The newest venture we are working on is clearing more land to give the animals more fence areas. The goats will love that as they love to clean up the lower vegetation for us.

With the way things have changed this past year we are working on a summer day camp idea for children from 4 to 12 with giving 13 and over some place to come and assist the camp counselors. The Camp plans are to be from July 12 to August 6, Monday through Friday from 9 to 2. Planning on 3 groups with no more than 8 children per group and two counselors. The events during the day will be time with animals, learning about them and their care while being outside. The plans are for arts and crafts, outside games and more.

Freckles and Friends Animal Sanctuary does off site events for school groups, churches and more. These are paid events where the funds go directly to the care and keeping of the animals.

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