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CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

The League of Utah Writers

The League of Utah Writers Use Case Study 

The League of Utah Writers has been around since 1935 and our mission is to educate and encourage writers of all levels from one end of the state to the other. To do this, we teach classes and seminars, bring in renowned writers, artists, and agents to teach our writers how to take the next steps in their careers, and provide a community of support. We've been doing it for almost 90 years and hope to do it for another 90 more.

We use print in a number of ways. First, we have programs at our events that help writers connect to the guests and programming that we have. We use flyers and mailers to attract would-be writers into joining the community. As a group of writers, we also publish books that help bring out community together.

Print is the core function of the League of Utah Writers. The written word is something we all find sacrosanct and work harder each day to bend to our will.

We've since moved to digital programs because print, as beautiful as it is, has become far too expensive for us to attain. But we'd love to bring that back, especially as we head back to in-person events. What better way for that new writer to strike a conversation up with their favorite writer than use their program to ask for an autograph? Or how do they use it to keep up with the program and make sure they get to the class they want to get to? And for the writer who has our conference as the first they've ever taught at, how else do they commemorate that than keep the souvenir program?

We also print awards every year for our annual creative writing contest, The Woolley Awards. They're named for our founding president, Olive Woolley Burt, one of the most influential women in newspapers in the Intermountain West in the first half of the 20th century.

As for flyers and posters, we're really hoping that as people filter back into the world, seeing our posters and flyers will inspire them to come back and join a community. The community of writers we've fostered has been able to do so much. There are traditionally published authors and bestsellers in our ranks. The ability to put more out into the world would help advance our mission considerably.

Lastly, publishing print books is another huge part of what we do. We're writers. Of course we'd want to tell our stories. But using the print services of Conquest Graphics, we could do some unique publishing in unique ways. From offering stories from our members to schools to use as curriculum to filling vending machines with short stories in order to foster more love of art and the printed word in the community. The possibilities for us to publish tangible stories outside of just books are endless, but we'd need a promotional partner to do it.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of what we'd hope to accomplish with the backing of a place like Conquest Graphics.

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