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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Soldiers Delight Conservation, Inc.

Soldiers Delight Conservations, Inc. Use Case Study 

First and foremost, in our usage of print material is our brochure that is our ambassador to the world! We have a complicated background and history with lots of facets to talk about, so having a brochure that can touch on all of them and include lots of photos to make it appealing to the general reader, has been and continues to be the most important piece of literature we hand out every single day. We update our brochure nearly every year as things change and information needs updating, and it has been very popular with the public. We almost always run out sooner than we expect.

We also utilize printed business cards for our members to network with, which is invaluable when speaking with the public and with other non-profit groups and various State employees. We're usually speaking with people out in the field, so having cards beats having to hunt for pen and paper.

We also routinely print various flyers on relevant subject matter at different times of the year to hand out at our public-facing events: everything from slick sheets about Soldiers Delight and its history or ecosystem or current threats, to discussions of how to eradicate specific invasive plants from backyards. We have used flyers to advertise our yearly winter "SERP" volunteer efforts with the public to explain how we are going about helping restore our rare ecosystem. We have held bake sales, and raffles, and fund-raising dinners, and being able to print invitations and tickets, and advertisements etc. has all been invaluable. We have had tablecloths printed with our logo to help dress up our outdoor displays, and we look forward to printing more large posters and informational display pieces.

Also going forward, we hope to expand and include some door-hanger materials to educate our community about the impacts of invasive plants on our natural areas. A door hanger will be a great way to canvas all our near neighbors quickly with our message and provide them with some hands-on information to help them protect our site. It's good to reach people where they live and provide something they can read on the spot and hang on to so that you're not forgotten.

Direct mail to our mailing list is another area we would like to expand on. We hope to undertake some new fundraising campaigns and reach our core supporters in this manner. We also would like to mail out our yearly annual report to our supporters with all of our news and plans for the year.

Lastly, we would like to expand our concessions. One item that we had good success with a couple years ago was with a nice, printed calendar; we would like to continue on with that as a yearly series, and maybe include postcards for sale, and other printed memorabilia.

In short, printed matter is still king, even with the internet and cellphones, because of its immediacy. People love having something they can hold on to. We are always looking to do more with print.

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