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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Chronic Warriors Org, Inc.

Chronic Warriors Org, Inc. 

Greeting cards deliver hope + cheer via snail mail to patients (we call them warriors!) who are alone and isolated worldwide. Each month, we run the Chronic Warrior Card Swap, a global event where those with illnesses send cards to uplift and encourage each other. With a printing grant, we could give out coloring cards that warriors could color and decorate in their own style and then send off to a fellow warrior!

At Chronic Warriors Org, Inc. we’re on a mission to connect one million people living with long-term illness globally, thus creating a safe space that honors human dignity where no one has to fight their battles alone.

Our primary focus is providing social-emotional support to combat the isolation that comes with living with a chronic illness, rare disease, disability and now, long-term COVID. Isolation was a big social-emotional issue for our warriors with chronic conditions before the pandemic, now it is a HUGE struggle... and it will continue to be an ongoing issue as the world begins to open back up and our warriors are still left isolated at home due to their physical and health limitations.

The primary way that we connect and support these patients is via our Chronic Warrior Card Swap - a monthly event where those living with an illness sign up and send greeting cards of hope + cheer to uplift and encourage a fellow warrior!

According to the National Health Council, approximately 40 million people in the U.S. live with one or more chronic diseases that limit their normal activities. Add the pandemic, and these people have been completely isolated for over a year and are in desperate need of ongoing positive, social-emotional support.

Our Warrior Card Swap serves three main purposes:

  • It gives the sender a creative outlet (most of the swappers send snail mail and make their own cards).
  • It gives the sender a sense of purpose because they are doing something to encourage and uplift a fellow warrior.
  • When they receive the card, it shows them that they are not battling alone!

Our Card Swap is open to anyone who lives with a long-term illness, disability, rare disease or long-term COVID. Participants get to look forward to something each month; that isn't a medical bill, collection notice or insurance statement! Participants can choose two options when they register: "I am really hoping to make a friend," or "I am excited to brighten another warrior's day." This way those who hope to make a pen pal are matched with those who are most likely to write back. And those who just want to send a smile and sunshine can feel good about encouraging a fellow warrior without the pressure to respond.

A printing grant would allow us to expand our reach and invite more students to volunteer virtually to make and send cards to the warriors who need encouragement. We have an Extra Card Crew that covers when someone has to withdraw from the card swap. They take over sending the card so that no one is left out. Additionally, this crew will send a slew of snail mail love to land in a warrior's mailbox when they are struggling or going through a particularly tough time.

Thank you for the consideration! In the meantime, if you know someone living with an illness who could use some cheer and connection, send them to: www.chronicwarriors.org.

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