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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Richmond Region League of United Latin American Citizens Council 4614

League of United Latin American Citizens 

Each one of the RVA Council 4614 Committees has individually outlined their goals for the upcoming years and have all identified printing and direct mail as one of their project needs.

Membership - Strengthening our council through relationship building and recruitment through membership card printing, membership information and registration printing and printed marketing materials.

Civic Participation - Ensuring we have a voice on issues affecting the Latin American community and would print information packets for our legislative advocacy work during the Virginia General Assembly bill hearings.

Scholarship - Giving back to our young leaders through local community support by printing presentation packets to mail to local business and organizations interested in working with and donating to our council. Our council host several annual community events that require us to use flyers and mailers to get the community involved.

Learn More About This Organization:

The Richmond Region League of United Latin American Citizens Council #4614 is one of thousands independently run charters of the national organization the League of United Latin American Citizens. The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), founded in 1929, is the oldest Hispanic civil rights organization in the United States of America. LULAC was created at a time in our country’s history when Hispanics were denied basic civil and human rights, despite contributions to American society. The founders of LULAC created an organization that empowers its members to create and develop opportunities where they are needed most. The mission of LULAC is to advance the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, housing, health and civil rights of the Hispanic population of the United States and Puerto Rico through programming, advocacy, and membership. Council 4614 benefits from printing and direct mail to expand our membership, streamline our communication with current members and to reach out to potential partners through a clean and professional presentation.

With approximately 132,000 members and supporters throughout the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC is the largest and oldest Hispanic organization in the United States. LULAC advances the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, housing, health and civil rights of Hispanic Americans through community-based programs operating at more than 1,000 LULAC councils nationwide. The organization involves and serves all Hispanic nationality groups.

Historically, LULAC has focused heavily on education, civil rights, health, and employment for Hispanics. LULAC councils and LULAC National Educational Service Centers provide approximately a million dollars in scholarships to Hispanic students each year. LULAC Institute programs include citizenship and voter registration drives, education and health events and programs that empower the Hispanic community at the local, state and national level.

In addition, the LULAC National Educational Service Centers (LNESC), LULAC's educational arm, provides educational programming to disadvantaged youth which impacts more than 18,000 Hispanic students per year at fourteen regional centers throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. SER Jobs for Progress, LULAC's employment arm, provides job skills and literacy training to the Hispanic community through more than forty-eight employment training centers located throughout the United States. The LULAC Corporate Alliance, an advisory board of Fortune 500 companies, fosters stronger partnerships between Corporate America and the Hispanic community.

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