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CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Deltaville Maritime Museum

Deltaville Maritime Museum 

As Events Director and Museum Board member primarily involved in our marketing process, I generate most of our marketing graphics, letters and flyers, and USPS mailings for the Museum, working closely with Museum staff and office volunteers. A printing grant would help us tremendously.

Our membership mailings to active membership for the Presidents letter and Museum events mailings average 600 and go out at least three times a year. Our mailing to “Friends of the Museum”, which includes members, past members, Museum visitors, and anyone who has donated money or time, number about 2500 per mailing. We always have at least one, and sometimes 2 of these a year. For special, ticketed, events there is another membership mailing. We probably average about 5000 sent items a year, about half with return envelopes. We would do more if the cost could be reduced.

Typically, all mailings need envelopes to send them and return envelopes as well. We also purchase stamps for all mailings because our post office no longer does bulk mailings. Our #10 and #9 self-seal envelopes come 500/box and cost around $25.00 each. Stamps cost 55 cents each. We usually get a stamp for every letter sent, 2 for return/reply mailings.

We also purchase printed flyers with the Groovin’ schedule, return receipts, and Event info. We get these printed and they can cost hundreds depending on how many we need. We also use card stock to have tickets printed. We have special Groovin’ in the Park tickets, regular tickets & membership benefit tickets. Groovin also needs several large signs made each year. We replace the signage monthly.

The Shrimp & BBQ is a whole separate large mailing with all the same requirements. The annual meeting/Oyster Roast is another mailing with all the same requirements. President’s letter goes to all members every year. This is our annual fundraising letter with all the same requirements. If printing and all could be handled through Conquest Graphics with a grant saving us time and money would be wonderful.

Learn More About This Organization:

The Deltaville Maritime Museum and Holly Point Park was established in 2003 through the efforts of a dedicated and visionary group of local volunteers. The museum and park flourished and rapidly became a center of activity in lower Middlesex County. In 2012, fire destroyed the existing museum and events pavilion.

The mission of the Deltaville Maritime Museum is to acquire, document, display and preserve materials that are historically important to Middlesex County, Virginia and the lower Chesapeake Bay; with special emphasis on activities relating to the boat building industry and the lives of those affected by this industry. The museum’s further mission is, through a series of interactive activities such as Family Boatbuilding Week, to ensure the future of boat building skills.

The Holly Point Nature Park’s mission is to provide a surrounding setting which will encourage a continuing habitat for indigenous flora and fauna; the park being available for visitors to enjoy while visiting the museum or participating in its activities.

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