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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Peaceable Kingdom

Even though electronic media and communications have become more prevalent over time, print and direct mail have been, and will continue to be, most essential in helping us continue to make progress in all aspects of our mission!

Peaceable Kingdom 

At this time, we use print for all of our animal adoption pledges, medical disclosure sheets (provided when people take home animals who have special medical conditions) and forms such as those that clients complete prior to receiving veterinary services or spay/neuter surgeries in our low-cost clinic. Each year, we serve over 2,000 owned pets and community cats through our public-facing clinic, and find loving homes for close to 1,000 cats, dogs, guinea pigs and rabbits through our adoption program. Because of this, the need for printed handouts and forms is significant so that we can provide clear, accurate information to the pet-loving individuals and families our organization serves.

We also use direct mail, which is an indispensable part of our efforts to connect with the animal shelter's supporters. Currently, we print and send a biannual newsletter along with remittance envelopes to our organization's mailing list. This newsletter allows us to update our supporters each spring and holiday season with the most recent news on the organization's work and the incredible animals who touched our hearts. This newsletter serves as one of our most significant fundraising tools and is essential in providing necessary funds to help support our programs year-round.

Finally, we print informational brochures about the shelter which help spread awareness of our organization throughout the community, detail opportunities for volunteers to get involved, and provide helpful contact information for those in need of our assistance. These brochures have made it possible for us to reach people throughout our county, continually expanding our reach over time so that we can assist more animals and people than ever before.

If we were to receive a grant through Conquest Graphics, we would be able to greatly expand our use of print and direct mail to further expand the impact of our mission. First, we would like to increase the number of brochures we produce in order to educate and involve the community, as the cost has been prohibitive. Second, we would be able to improve our variety of impactful print materials by printing flyers as in-person fundraising and outreach events begin to resume in our area, as well as explore other items such as banners, bookmarks, posters or promotional materials to be used when we return to holding adoption events with our local pet store partners and outreach events throughout the community.

We are 95% volunteer-based so that the funds we raise can provide direct support to the programs that save lives and improve the conditions for thousands of animals each year. Without the use of print and direct mail, we would not be able to continue to expand the impact of our mission and support all of the animals who need us!

Learn More About This Organization:

Peaceable Kingdom is a no-kill animal shelter located in Whitehall, Pennsylvania. Since 1998, our mission has been to:

1) Provide care, protection, and assistance to animals who are mistreated, injured, abandoned, or otherwise in need.

2) Offer low-cost veterinary services providing all pet owners a place to get care for their pets.

3) Minimize animal overpopulation through low-cost spay/neuter clinics.

4) Create community awareness and gain support of animal needs through educational efforts.

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