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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Operation Enduring Warrior

As Operation Enduring Warrior is not the traditional organization, in the aspect as we do not have a centralized location, or physical place of business, we rely heavily upon printed materials to promote our mission, and garner support for our Nation's wounded Military and First Responder Veterans. Over the years this has been our primary resource to distribute our mission to the communities we engage in. We hope to continue heavily in the arena of printed materials, but also plan on expanding their usage, to continue to expand our mission reach, and honor and empower as many of our Nation's wounded heroes as we can.

Operations Enduring Warrior 

Currently the vast amount of our printed materials usage is structured in the design of handouts, business cards, and professional high resolution photographs which showcase and educate the public about the challenges, and victories, our Honorees and Teammates take on in their daily lives. We are looking to expand our information distribution model into the direct mailing/marketing venue. Thus far our contacts have been conducted primarily through face to face experiences, principally achieved at events we attend with our Honorees. Through direct mailings we would be able to access a vastly larger audience than we previously had, which would grant us the ability to cultivate further support in our mission.

Additionally, we are working on producing an enhanced press release procedure. A number of agencies we have contact with have requested the inclusion, or outright prefer, printed materials over electronic formats. Our goals is to have a system in place that gives us the ability to print, and distribute, the information in a rapid and efficient method when requested.

Our third goal for this upcoming year is the addition of distributing hard copies of our annual reports. Fundraising is a difficult task at best, and even more so this last year with CoVid straining organizations' abilities to conduct their business as usual. Information of this magnitude presented in this way is invaluable in establishing intent and rapport with current and potential financial supporters. With the inclusion of annual reports, professionally printed, it gives potential investors a deeper sense of the professionalism and commitment of our team members.

If Operation Enduring Warrior were awarded this grant it would allow our organization to utilize our donated funds where they truly belong, with the Honorees. Our organization is comprised solely of generous and passionate volunteers, many of which are active duty or retired Military and First Responder personnel. Any and all financial donations are spent in the advancement and execution of our mission, to Honor, Empower, and Motivate our Nation's Wounded Military and First Responder Veterans. This is a honor for us, to be able to give to those that serve our Nation willingly and faithfully, and truly ask for so little in return, especially when a tragedy befalls them.

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