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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Compassionate Home Health Care

Compassionate Home Health Care’s mission and purpose is to help provide individuals seniors, children, Veterans, those with disabilities and special needs) with basic necessities as many people we serve have to decide between living in a healthy, clean space and food. We hold an annual music festival and fall/winter events to help support our mission.

Our organization uses print for our annual music festival, and Holiday campaign events. We typically print around 500 posters a year for all our events. This year we are partnered with a business to help market their brand as well as ours. We hope to develop this idea and present it to the other 180 plus Brown County Tavern League members around the Green Bay, WI area. This not only promotes each business for the Tavern League, but it promotes and brands the Brown County Tavern League. We send in a photographer, to photograph their establishment and staff, but most importantly they are promoting their brand on a calendar every month.

We send out over 1000 direct mail pieces a year for our #RocktheDockGreenBay music festival and our #HolidayGivingCampaign. These direct mail pieces explain in detail what is happening with our organization throughout the year. We share out direct community involvement and how their sponsorship dollars help us make an impact in our community. They are also given the opportunity to participate in being a donor or sponsor. When I ask a sponsor what they are looking for with their sponsorship? 9 times out of 10 they tell me exposure, exposure, exposure. We are able to give them that, through all our print pieces, posters, banners, direct mail pieces, all of which are included for and at events.

We plan to continue to use print and direct mail. As we have found that when a sponsor or donor has something to hold and read, it's tangible. Although we do use Social Media, there are still "Old Schoolers" out there, and they like the hands on approach. This in turn helps promote our brand, our mission, and the communities we serve. For donors and sponsors we help brand them with all our print and media to help promote their mission as well.

When you market organizations and business's you partner with, you are not only benefitting, your non-profit gets to promote those brands as well. Sharing the stage with for profits who help support your cause is another way to explain your partnership and possibly a collaboration. There is opportunity everywhere, being creative in your presentation is always helpful and could open the doors to something more then you anticipated.

When you give to Compassionate Home Health Care you’re improving lives in our community by supporting our “A Community that Cares” program as well as...

Supporting programs run through partner organizations like Harbour House, Pillars, St. Thomas More, local area middle and high schools, Helping Hands Caregivers, Grand View Townhomes, Oneida Heights and more.

Providing opportunities for students at local middle schools (student council programs) and High Schools (DECA and NHS programs) to engage in volunteering, and connect with other community members.

Engaging everyone from business owners and senior citizens to students, in order to build our “A Community that Cares” program.

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