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CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Women in Jazz South Florida Inc.

The gift of printing from Conquest Graphics for the past eight years has kept us in business. When the pandemic hit, our music organization would have gone belly-up, if it were not for the publications we were able to print with our free printing grant. In the fourth issue of Musicwoman Magazine and the third issue of Musicman Magazine, we are able to continue our mission to promote women musicians, globally, and the men who support them.

We have an online presence for both publications. But they do not result in the interest that people have when they are handed copies of the printed magazines. Aside from editorial about our artists, we have benefitted from advertisements that boost our annual income.

Women in Jazz South Florida, Inc. 

This gift from Conquest Graphics enables us to move forward with our projects. Since so many musicians are unable to perform, these days, being featured in our magazines is a boon to their careers. We are ever appreciative of this opportunity to share their stories with our readers. We could not print these publications without the free printing grant.

Another useful service that we use is direct mailing to our distributors in Chicago, California, New York, and Atlanta. This service saves us many postage dollars and enables us to distribute our magazines to members who get them in the right hands.

The quality of our publications is very high. We have people coming back for more because the magazines are printed so beautifully. They do justice to the artists featured, giving them a quality product to promote their talent and career. We feature musicians from all over the world. The first Musicwoman featured Aretha Franklin’s last drummer, Gayelynn McKinney on the cover. The second issue featured musical icons young and elderly. The third issue featured women who pluck strings. The fourth issue, in 2022, features producers, promoters, and DJs who support the careers of musicians, nationwide and abroad.

With people communicating on social media more than they read, you would think the magazine era was passe. But it is not. It is alive and well, and we are on top of telling the stories of our members, only because we partnered with Conquest Graphics in this contest. The list grows with qualified, competing non-profit organizations. But that does not prevent us from continuing to compete for this grant, each year. We vote vigorously and encourage our members and supporters to vote for us. We need this grant to fulfill our mission.

Conquest Graphics printed our business cards, books, and bookmarks. We used them to print flyers, brochures, and postcards for events. There is no substitution for good printing. Printing materials keep our brand on top of the pile of our members and supporters. Each new issue of Musicman and Musicwoman Magazine presents us with opportunities to recruit new members, align with new advertisers, and attract new sponsors and donors.

This printing project is the only thing that has kept our organization in the eye of the community. We are proud recipients of eight printing grants, since 2014, and we are ever grateful to the Conquest Graphics family for this most helpful and fulfilling gift.

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