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CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Haiti Scholars

Haiti Scholars, Inc. believes in the value of print. Since the beginning of Haiti Scholars as a nonprofit organization in 2018, we have shared our story, written thousands of thank you letters, sent invites to events, and most importantly, ran campaigns. Being the president of this organization, I track the number of subscribers who open our newsletters sent by email. Out of our 500 subscribers, 150 have opted out of emails. In addition, of the 350 subscribers who receive emails, an average of 150 open them. Many of our donors do not engage in social media. Therefore, it is print that will reach these donors. Thus, the team of Haiti Scholars believes print is the number one resource to reach the hearts of our donors.

We did much research to find a printing company that would work with a nonprofit. This is our second year that we have worked with Conquest Graphics. We just received our second big mailing from Conquest Graphics and we are beyond impressed with the quality of work. We had a rush on the order so we could have it available at our biggest fundraiser. Conquest Graphics worked hard to make sure these beautiful brochures arrived in time. Every aspect of the brochure, from the paper to the color of the images are outstanding. When you order a piece from Conquest Graphics you know that it will be of the best quality. This is critical because this piece represents our organization.

Not only are the pieces beautiful, but the Conquest Graphics staff was also outstanding in working with our team to create each printed piece. How wonderful it is to be able to talk to a person on the phone. The team is available to work beside you to make sure your piece is of the best quality. We would not take our business anywhere else.

Haiti Scholars is an organization that believes that children in Haiti, through the gift of education, bring hope, self-esteem, and empowerment. Not only do we help with scholarships, but we also employ water filters, deworming medicine, vitamin A supplements, provide hundreds of physicals to staff and children, support a computer lab and English lessons, and provide humanitarian aid when needed. We are a small organization that wants to grow and reach out to current and potential donors more often. A grant would open doors to accomplish this. For example, we could do quarterly mailings with our latest news and projects instead of one large mailing at the end of the year. In addition, we could multiply our mailings to potential donors. We could send more handwritten thank you cards and produce more flyers to display at our church. A goal this year is to reach out to possible corporate donors.

In summary, print is the most valuable source of communication to allow us to stay connected with our donors. Because of print, we continue to build our nonprofit and donor base, which can help more children in the country of Haiti have the gift of quality schooling and good health.

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