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CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Day Solutions Foundation

Day Solutions Foundation’s (DSF’s) mission is to empower individuals with developmental disabilities in the state of Missouri by creating meaningful experiences, providing opportunities for positive community engagement, and access to goods, services and support which help build self-confidence, maximize personal growth and improve the quality of life. Each year, instead of a traditional year-end report we create a print calendar for the new year and highlight our programs and services provided during the current year through pictures and banners in the calendar.

Day Solutions Foundation

Each month depicts a different event or program that DSF provides for adults with developmental disabilities. Our most popular program, Community Integration is spotlighted across several months. Activities include but are not limited to, lunch at locally owned restaurants, outings to the bowling alley, aquarium, cinema, local orchard, and the Vincent Van Gogh experience. Social Skills therapy and tutoring are documented by showing images of how hard our clients work with their speech therapist and tutor to improve their social and cognitive skills. There are several months dedicated to our large group events like our yearly pool party, hay ride, Thanksgiving meal, and Christmas party. To illustrate Day Solutions Foundation’s Camp Scholarship program, a month is dedicated to images of clients experiencing camp for the first time. Finally, DSF uses a page in the calendar to highlight our partnership with Jefferson City Parks and Rec to cover 100% of participants cost for Stars Night Out. Stars Night Out provides fun and safe activities two Friday nights a month for adults with developmental disabilities. It’s a hugely popular program but it’s not free and many individuals would not be able to participate in the program without DSF’s sponsorship.

In addition to providing a dynamic year-end report, the calendar is one of DSF’s largest fundraisers. DSF sells advertising in the calendar by marketing sponsorship packages to local businesses and friends of DSF. The placement of company logos and family names varies depending on the level of sponsorship, with the largest sponsorship logos placed on the cover page. Additionally, DSF has been successful trading calendar sponsorships for client experiences. The calendar simultaneously provides DSF marketing and funding throughout the year.

Day Solutions Foundation has been making a calendar since 2016 and we have used Conquest Graphics to print our calendar since 2020. Once the calendar is received, copies are mailed to sponsors and friends of DSF that are located outside of DSF’s local community. The remaining calendars are hand-delivered by client volunteers, with the assist of staff to our local sponsors, local special education programs, business partners, and friends of DSF. All of DSF clients are provided a calendar as well.

All of DSF’s programs are provided free of charge to our clients, who represent one of the most vulnerable and overlooked populations in our community. Having a calendar in print that is mailed or handed to as many supporters and community members, and vividly depicts the life enriching experiences DSF provides our clients is priceless. The calendars hang in offices, businesses, and homes throughout the year and has become widely anticipated and requested. This single document raises awareness of and supports our mission throughout the year.

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