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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Lake Lundgren Bible Camp

Our mission is to spread the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ to as many people as we are able to through a unique Christian Camp experience. We choose to highlight the many amazing parts of God's Creation and to set up space and time to take people out of their normal lives and focus their attention on God so that they can experience true renewal.

Lake Lundgren Bible Camp  

Where our marketing and print needs come into play is simply a way to educate people about the options that are here for them to experience. On an annual basis we currently send out 3 printed brochures that outline our programs and show potential attendees what the benefits of time away at camp can be. We also send out a variety of other smaller mailings that inform our donor database about options to invest in financially, or we send out special updates.

To our camp membership we send out ballots to vote each year in our annual board member elections and we also have all of our staff send out personal update letters to their contacts. The staff newsletters are primarily to help raise funds to help cover their salaries through financial donations instead of through the fees from the operating budget. Our campers typically come from lower income areas where scholarship help is a regular occurrence, so we go to great lengths to ensure that our finances are handled in such a way that will stretch every dollar from our camper fees as far as possible.

This is one of the reasons that we love companies like Conquest Graphics. They understand the great value that nonprofit organizations provide for communities, families, kids and other people who so desperately need things like the camp experience where staff and counselors are able to share unconditional love and help teach important life skills.

Our building maintenance and expansion also hinges greatly on the financial donations and generosity of many different individuals and organizations that come alongside our ministry with tools and dollars and resources to help us to accomplish projects. This is a main area where I wish that we would be able to expand our print marketing. We would love to be able to keep our donors more involved in the updates of our progress in continuing to keep camp in the forefront of their minds. We have found that there are many people who are willing to help out if they are asked to do so, and we could definitely extend that invitation more easily if we were able to access more of those printed materials.

As our camper numbers continue to increase annually, we have some pretty awesome opportunities to be able to look at expansion of our facilities and offerings throughout the year. We expect to be able to continue these efforts with the help of donations, grants, and a whole host of volunteer help to make it happen. We roll every dollar of income back into these vital programs so that more assistance we can get from any source available is a huge help.

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2021 Nonprofit Partners

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2022 Nonprofit Partners

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