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CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

CCC Development Foundation

The Corning Community College Development Foundation is the charitable arm of Corning Community College. We raise funds and manage donations for Corning Community College, in support of our students, faculty, and staff. The Corning Community College Foundation administers scholarships, provides funding for special projects, and works towards the empowerment of our students. The Corning Community College Development Foundation works diligently to empower our students and improve our community by managing donated funds to Corning Community College which as a state run institution in Corning, New York is not able to take donations on their own behalf.


AS part of the Foundations work, we do four appeals annual to raise funds for Corning Community College. The appeals are often letter format with return devices for our supporters to return their donations to the Foundation with ease. Occasional we have sent cards or self-mailers to our patrons to garner special gifts. We currently use an area mail house that ensures are addresses are up to date and gets us the best price using their not for profit indicia.

The Corning Community College Development Foundation is also responsible for managing special gift funds or restricted gifts. These our used for special programming and functions at the college. One of our main events that we host is our Walter R. Smith Visiting Scholar Series, which requires several types of printing needs from posters to postcards. This annual event is an amazing community event that brings in nearly 300 people each year.

We also conduct an annual alumni celebration event called Reflections. This event has a save the date brochure that also includes sponsorship information, a multi piece invitation printed in full-color, sponsorship posters hung at the event, and a small program usual between 16 to 24 pages.

Other printing needs include instruction sheets for scholarship applications, event posters, and postcards. While Corning Community College is a separate entity, they do have additional printing needs that we can occasionally help with especially when in come to recruiting needs. Corning Community College occasionally uses direct mailing to recruit area students, promote events on campus, and make special announcements.

Corning Community College is a small regional community college with about 1000 students enrolled annually. We serve traditional and nontraditional students alike. We offer two year degrees as well as a plethora of certificate and work study training to the area community. The Corning Community College Development Foundation helps ensure we can maintain these programs, sees to campus improvements, and manages Corning Community College's scholarships. We are committed to our students well being and the over health of our local community. The Corning Community College Development Foundation strives to ensure successful outcomes for our student, faculty, and staff in our support to the college's mission to empower our students.

Corning Community College could make better use of direct mailing for our recruiting efforts which would ensure local high schools students are aware that a quality education is available to them in their own backyard. The Foundation works to ensure an education at Corning Community College remains affordable.

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