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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

CG Rewards
Nonprofit Grant Program

Colorado West Performing Arts Company

 The Colorado West Performing Arts Company is Grand Junction’s and the Western Slope’s professional ballet company. The mission and purpose of the company is to bring professional dance to Grand Junction and Western Colorado. This will have CWPAC producing upwards of four major ballet/dance works along with Western Colorado outreach to underserved communities such as Rifle, and Montrose. The mission of CWPAC is to enhance and empower dance for Western Colorado. Professional dancers from across the country, joined by local pre-professional dancers and youth will perform regular ballet performances at The Avalon Theatre along with other Western Colorado communities and their facilities. By providing more performing arts opportunities in the region, we believe it will cultivate and enhance the communities of the Grand Valley.


In conjunction with our mainstage ballets, children’s outreach opportunities are also available to surrounding school district fifty-one children and other youth groups, bringing thousands of children to experience live dance for the first time.

Our non-profit arts organization is always looking for ways to cut back costs without cutting the value/ production needs. With the cost of producing performances at the Avalon Theatre increasing on a regular basis, along with the continued increases to producing performances your 10% discount for non-profits will help us greatly! These funds saved will help to keep ticket prices affordable for our families within the community.

We use conquest printing for many reasons. We use event flyers for every performance with up to 500 posters printed. We use postcards for lobby/ reception areas or to pass out to colleagues, etc. We use flyers for festivals and parades to be passed out by the masses. Print is still a main means for advertising and to help spread word of mouth promotions. Advertising works best when done with several approaches. We find the print marketing to be the one that often reminds people of events and keeps it fresh on their minds to attend.

We also use playbills or program booklets for each of our performances. These create a souvenir booklet for performers and families to keep for years and years as well as a means to sell advertising to help offset the costs for advertising.

The Colorado West Performing Arts Company aligns with the City of Grand Junction’s Strategic priorities in the following ways.

1. Economic Development: The company’s $425,000.00 (est.) total budget into the Grand Junction economy.

2. Economic Development: Patrons attending the dance events within the city can generate 20,000 attendees at a conservative estimate of $50.00 spent per attendee equals one million dollars into the local economy.

3. Quality of life: The performing arts help to promote a healthy lifestyle along with making the city a more vibrant place to live.

4. Quality of life, Economic Development: By producing shows at the city owned Avalon Theatre Colorado West Performing Arts Company brings people downtown to enjoy the performances and patronize the local restaurants, and businesses. By bringing people together, the company meets these Strategic Priorities.

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