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Top 10 Leave Behind Marketing Materials

A trade show where many people are exchanging printed materials and gathering mailing information for future customers

The first impression you make on a potential customer is key to creating a fruitful relationship. You want to quickly show business value and help them understand and remember what you do best. That way, when they are in need of the products or services you provide, they know exactly who to call.

Arming your sales team with creative leave behinds is a great way to do this. It will get customers familiar with your business and help them remember who to call.

Leave Behind Marketing Materials

Leave behind marketing materials are print or promotional products that you hand out or leave behind (get it?). Leave behinds are great for trade shows, meetings, sales appointments and conferences. These materials help impress people who see them and leave a lasting memory of your business.

Leave behinds can range from brochures and business cards to promotional items and calendars. They're effective because they introduce people to your business while putting something tangible in their hand (a rarity in today’s “digital only” world). These materials often leave a lasting impression and serve as a reminder for as long as an individual holds onto the item.

It can be difficult to narrow down options because there are so many choices. To help, here are 10 creative leave behinds that are often useful, effective and easy to align with different brands.

10 Creative Leave Behinds

Leave Behind Brochures

Leave behind brochures are among the most effective and versatile materials available. They're popular as a low-cost way to inform customers of products and services. Creative brochure designs can contain a lot of information in a small package, which makes them very versatile.

Brochures provide brief but informative messages that succinctly cover ideas, products or services. Customers can also easily share brochures with other businesses, friends and more. This provides your business with even wider distribution of your information.

Leave Behind Folders

Another great way to make a lasting first impression is with pocket folders. Leave behind folders maximize the amount of information you can deliver to people. High-quality folders ensure your documents are safe, organized, and less likely to get tossed in the trash. The quality will also make an immediate visual impact on your potential customers.

Most printing companies offer standard two pocket folder. These can be cost prohibitive and often have a longer turnaround time due to extra processing. A great alternative is the cost effective, single pocket folder. These Quick Ship Pocket Folders arrive flat and don't need glue for assembly, reducing cost and turnaround time.

Folders can also include Variable Data, making them personalized to you or the company they're made for.

Leave Behind Business Cards

The most common and universal leave behind is the business card. Business cards are effective and simple. They're great for passing along your contact information to other people.

Most leave behind cards include standard contact information. They can also include company logos, promotional codes and even coupons or warranty information.

Leave behind business cards are a great low-cost tool for trade shows or conferences. They allow you to distribute your information quickly in a fast paced and chaotic environment.

Leave Behind Flyers

Flyers are a popular and widely-used leave behind option due to their simplicity and effective nature. They are perfect to hand out at trade shows, industry events or by canvassers. A colorful and well-designed flyer is often all it takes for customers to work with your company.

Flyers can contain graphics, logos and text. They can also serve as coupons or showcase of select products and services. There's a range of printing options for flyer paper. The options include heavy stock which will add to their durability.

Notepads And Sticky Notes

Notepads and sticky notes also make for great leave behind materials. They can be used to include your company logo and contact information. With so many people using paper for notes, these are very effective as leave behinds. They're often given to clients who are then reminded of you every time they make a written note. A thick enough notepad ensures your name stays in front of your prospects for months or even years.

Leave Behind Letterheads

Another common and time-tested option for leave behinds is company letterhead. Letterheads can include company logos and contact information and are great for custom messages. Custom messages are a great way to connect with people and letterheads are an excellent way to send them.

Leave Behind Stickers

Leave behind stickers are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. They're typically printed on durable, long-lasting vinyl. Leave behind stickers allow customers to advertise their loyalty to your brand. A simple logo and web address on a sticker can serve as an effective way for your brand to reach a large number of people.

Leave Behind Calendars

Printed calendars remain very popular and are a great option to produce as leave behind. There are endless options for themes and images to be contained in calendars, and they remain as a reminder of your business for the entire year.

Your company calendar could become something that customers look forward to every year and even pass on to others.

Table Tents And Flipbooks

Table tents are perfect leave behinds for events where people are seated. They're also good to have at booths and company stations. An excellent way to promote your brand or highlight talking points, table tents get your message across quickly with visuals.

Like table tents, flipbooks can stand on a table or serve as a hand held booklet. Flipbooks can hold a great deal of information or images and even function as a portfolio of your products or services.

Leave Behind Promotional Items

A final option for your leave behind materials are promotional items. These items are typically more costly, but are great at catching a prospective client’s eye. Some ideas include:

  • pens and pencils
  • coffee mugs
  • tee shirts
  • bottle openers
  • a playful toy for your prospect’s children back home

The possibilities for this option are as endless as your imagination. Of course, your choices are inevitably dictated by your budget.

Take Control Of Your Leave Behinds And Your Sales

You only get one chance at a first impression and leave behinds help make the most of them. A leave behind is a great way to create a lasting relationship with people long after the conference or first meeting is over.

Want to make print ordering even easier on yourself? Our Ordering Portals make buying and re-ordering leave-behinds easier than ever. You’ll unlock access to reusable templates, flexible payment options, faster turnaround times and more. Click below to learn more about the print ordering portal now.

Take Control with the Print Portal

Top 10 Leave Behind Marketing Materials

The first impression your business makes on potential clients is key to creating a fruitful relationship. The first impression should represent your business’s quality, it’s capabilities and help potential customers to understand and remember what you do best. That way, when they are in need of the products or services you provide, they know exactly who to call.

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