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Print Advertising Statistics [2024]

Print Advertising Statistics

In 2024, digital advertising is necessary. While online marketing can be effective in promoting your products and services, there is one channel of marketing that is even more effective.

Print advertising is the most powerful way to market your message. If you don’t believe that this traditional form of marketing still works, we have 22 print marketing statistics that prove print advertising is still very much effective.

General Print Advertising Statistics

Effective print advertising materials.

Print advertising is still effective, even more effective than when digital advertising wasn’t a thing. This is because, with print marketing, you can target specific audiences, track your print marketing results, send and trigger printed ads the same way you send emails, and so much more, thanks to direct mail and print technology advancements.

While the advancements in the world of print are exciting for savvy marketers, what’s more exciting is the positive impact print media has on their audiences and their marketing results. Just check out these print advertising statistics to see what we mean.

  • 75% of consumers said receiving print advertisements made them feel special.
  • 73% of consumers said that they prefer receiving print advertisements.
  • 33% of millennials alone have an active subscription to a newspaper or magazine while only 19% report opening marketing emails frequently.
  • 82% of consumers trust print advertisements the most when making a purchase decision.
  • 69% of people like receiving print advertisements that include coupons for restaurants and 65% like coupons for retail businesses.
  • 88% of people take the time to look through the print advertisements they receive.
  • 80% of people look forward to receiving print advertisements in the mail.
General Print Advertising Statistics and Print Marketing Statistics.

Benefits of Print Advertising Statistics

More and more marketers are turning to print advertising, including direct mail marketing, printed materials at trade shows and events, printed handouts, and more. For good reason, too! Print marketing is more trustworthy; it generates better results than any other marketing channel, strengthens brand recognition, and more.

Here are just a few print marketing statistics that show when you use the power of print advertising, you gain some incredible benefits.

  • Regarding response rates, print advertising offers a 112% return on investment.
  • 60% of catalog recipients visit the website of the company that mailed them the catalog.
  • Those who receive print advertisements tend to purchase 28% more items and spend 28% more compared to those who did not receive a print advertisement.
  • Consumers who receive print advertisements keep those advertisements for an average of 17 days.
  • Personalized print advertisements that are customized for each recipient generate a 135% increase in their response rates.
  • When print advertisements are combined with email, there is an average 49% increase in sales and a 125 % increase in inquiries.
  • Regarding nonprofit marketing, print advertisements bring in 78% of donations.
  • Print advertising response rates have increased over the years and are expected to keep climbing.
Benefits of print advertising statistics and print marketing statistics.

Digital vs Print Marketing Statistics

As we mentioned, digital marketing is an important marketing channel. This is because consumers are constantly on their phones and computers, and your competitors are also using digital advertising, making it crucial for you to advertise your message digitally.

However, digital ads are being blocked, consumers are receiving way too many emails, and banner blindness is a real thing.

So, while it’s essential to promote your brand online, you also need a form of marketing that isn’t going to be ignored, is going to get you better results, and isn’t competing with thousands of other advertisements. And these print marketing statistics speak for themselves on why print advertising is your solution. 

  • Almost 80% of consumers act on print advertisements immediately compared to 45% of consumers who act on digital advertisements right away.
  • Print advertisements require 21% less cognitive effort to process than digital advertisements.
  • Print advertisements receive an average response rate of 9% while email, paid search, and social media receive about 1% and online display only receives 0.3%.
  • 33% of consumers aged 25-40 use ad blockers while 62% read through the print advertisements they receive rather than discarding them.
  • Across all groups (ranging from 18-68) physical printed advertisements were more effective than digital ads in leaving a lasting impression.
  • 75% of people can recall a brand after receiving a print advertisement while only 44% can recall a brand after viewing an online ad.
  • Only 20-30% of emails get opened while 90% of print advertisements are opened.
Digital advertising vs print advertising statistics.


While you may be investing your time and energy into your online marketing efforts, it’s important—as these print marketing statistics prove—not to disregard print advertising.

Suppose you are looking to generate the best possible response rate and return on investment and are looking to grow your customer base while strengthening your customer relationships through efforts that your audience enjoys and will actually engage with. In that case, print marketing is an essential tool for you.

If you’re interested in the effectiveness of print advertising, click the button below to discover some of the most powerful print marketing solutions you can take advantage of starting today!

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