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  • The truth about how effective direct mail marketing really is.
    Originally Published Jan 29, 2021 | Updated May 13, 2022

    To better understand how effective direct mail really is, we have created a list of some the top reasons why direct mail marketing is still relevant and truly successful.

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  • Going digital with direct mail marketing.
    Originally Published Jan 18, 2021 | Updated May 13, 2022

    Consumers are becoming increasingly digitally connected to the world. And as we progress into a marketing world where digital advertising has transformed communications, consumers are becoming numb to all the digital clutter surrounding them. Yet, to keep up with these new digital connections, it is important to market within digital channels.

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  • Types of brochure printing and how to choose the right one.
    Originally Published Jan 26, 2021 | Updated May 13, 2022

    Brochures are one of the most cost-effective, versatile, and successful ways of spreading your message. They provide your audience with an interactive material to engage with compared to other print marketing materials, like flyers and posters which lack a brochures 3D component.

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  • How to manage business cards for multiple employees and more.
    Originally Published Dec 16, 2020 | Updated May 13, 2022

    An Ordering Portal makes managing and ordering business cards for each employee, location or business easier than ever.

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  • How portals make catalog ordering so easy.
    Originally Published Dec 04, 2020 | Updated May 13, 2022

    Ordering catalogs throughout your entire company can be time consuming. That is why so many businesses are turning to ordering portals to provide effortless catalog ordering, companywide.

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  • The Ultimate Guide to Neighborhood Marketing
    Originally Published Nov 30, 2020 | Updated May 13, 2022

    Reaching individuals who surround each other or your business generates truly successful results. Find out what neighborhood marketing strategy can benefit your business today!

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  • Marketing-materials-thumb
    Originally Published Sep 18, 2020 | Updated May 13, 2022

    While there are many different strategies and marketing styles, direct mail marketing has been proven to be one of the most effective ways to market your business. Here you can find 3 effective keys for your direct mail marketing campaign and how to get started now!

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  • The secret weapon for retargeting success.
    Originally Published Oct 28, 2020 | Updated May 13, 2022

    Retargeting success isn’t achieved through one marketing channel and most definitely doesn’t lack in the big data department. Businesses are finding that a data driven solution involving an Identity Graph and a multi-channel marketing strategy, is essential in acquiring a successful campaign.

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  • Data-driven solutions to accomplish and exceed your goals.
    Originally Published Nov 18, 2020 | Updated May 13, 2022

    Accomplishing and exceeding business goals are more successful than ever before with data-driven marketing solutions.

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  • Brand guidelines for every franchise.
    Originally Published Oct 07, 2020 | Updated May 13, 2022

    Your franchise brand extends far beyond a perfect logo and clever slogan. So we have put together some branding guidelines to aid you in running a smooth and consistent franchise companywide.

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  • Retarget Your Audience - By Mail
    Originally Published Sep 10, 2020 | Updated May 13, 2022

    Mailbox Retargeting takes an advanced step further compared to other digital retargeting efforts and creates the perfect combination and balance of online marketing and proven direct mail marketing for the ultimate retargeting strategy.

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  • CMYK vs RGB
    Originally Published May 14, 2019 | Updated Aug 18, 2021

    We go into detail in comparing RGB vs CMYK and how it affects color perception, plus what you should know when it comes to the differences between screen and paper.

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