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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

DLA - 2023 MultiMarket Brochure Header

Looking for the English version? Click here!

More Options (Wrapping, Mailing, etc..)
Please call


or Email us for pricing on this product.


Description of Customization Types


(view larger: outside of Mackston Version, outside of Xyla Version, inside of both)

No Customizations. The National/generic version of the brochure has the Donate Life logo and Done Vida logos and mentions DonateLife.net, DoneVide.org, and RegisterMe.org.

Custom – Online Design

Using our design portal, you can make customizations to the design which include: replacing the web addresses with your own web addresses or phone numbers, replacing the physical address, replacing the Donate Life logo with a Donate Life state version, adding a second logo, and/or replacing the 2 story boxes with your own pictures and copy. If you would like to reprint a previously ordered “Online Design” job, please go to Your Jobs.

Custom – DLA Design ($100)

You may choose to do a completely custom back panel, in which case Donate Life America will work with you directly and a $100 customization fee will apply. Please proceed to checkout for this option. Donate Life America will contact you once your order is placed to begin the customization process.

If you would like to reprint a previously ordered item, you can also go to Your Jobs.

If you have questions about a particular design you have in mind, please reach out to Loren Squares at lsquares@donatelife.net or 804-377-3582.

Option Information