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9A-5P EST Mon-Fri

DLA 2021 NDS Bible Markers
DLA 2021 Bible Marker


Bible Markers measure 2 3/8” x 7 1/2” and are printed on 14pt C2S gloss cover. They are shrink-wrapped in 100s for easy distribution to places of worship.

More Options (Wrapping, Mailing, etc..)
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or Email us for pricing on this product.


Description of Customization Types


No customizations. The National/generic version of the Faith-Based Bible Marker has the Donate Life logo and mentions DonateLife.net on front.

Custom – Online Design (Free)

Using our design portal, you can make limited customizations to the front: replace “DonateLife.net” with your state registry URL and replace the Donate Life logo with a Donate Life state version.

Custom – DLA Design ($100)

For more complex customizations—like adding a second logo or phone number—select this option. Donate Life America will work with you directly and a customization fee will apply. DLA will contact you once your order is placed to begin the customization process. You should also select this option if your organization has ordered a custom NDS Bible Marker from DLA in the past and would like to make changes to it before reprinting.

Custom – Reorder Existing Art

Select this option if your organization has already ordered a custom 2021 Faith-Based Bible Marker and would like to reprint it with no changes.

Custom – Reorder | Updates to Existing Art ($75)

Select this option if your organization has already ordered a custom 2021 Faith-Based Bible Marker and would like to make changes to it before reprinting.

If you would like to reprint a previously ordered item, you can also go to Your Jobs.

If you have questions about a particular design you have in mind, please reach out to Loren Squares at lsquares@donatelife.net or 804-377-3582.

Option Information