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Introducing 3D Folding Proofs

Folding View

The proofing process is essential to you receiving printed products that meet your exact specifications. It is vital for you to inspect every aspect of your proof, including color, positioning, and where folds will be made. This helps ensure that incorrect designs aren't sent to production, eliminating the need for costly reprints.

With the goal of simplifying your print buying experience, we are introducing 3D Fold Previews into our proofing process. Now, when you go to approve your proof on one of our eligible products, you’ll have the option to view a 3D Folding Proof right alongside your usual PDF proof. Using this feature, you can easily verify that your pages are in the right place, panels are aligned the correct way, and no overlapping occurs on the page folds.

All you need to do is click the View 3D Proof button when approving your proof! As always, if anything does not look correct, please let us know so we can help resolve any issues. We are happy to help wherever possible!

View Button

3D proofs are available for the products below:

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at anytime by emailing CustomerService@ConquestGraphics.com, using our Live Chat, or calling 800-707-9903.

Option Information