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DLA - 2023 MultiMarket Brochure Header

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Description of Customization Types


(view larger: English side, Spanish side)

No Customizations. The National/generic version of the brochure has the Donate Life and Done Vida logos and mentions DoneVida.org on the fifth panel, front and back, under “HOW CAN YOU HELP?”/ “¿CÓMO PUEDE AYUDAR?”.

Custom – Online Design

Using our design portal, you can make limited customizations to the covers, third and fifth panels including:

  • On the covers, you can replace the Donate Life/Done Vida logos with state versions and swap out Arturo’s image and story for a local recipient (English and Spanish).
  • On panel three, swap out Rhode’s (English side) and Sofia’s (Spanish side) images and stories for local recipients.
  • On panel five, replace “DoneVida.org” with your state registry URL and swap out the Evelyn (English side) and Roberto (Spanish side) story boxes with a local recipient’s image and story or with your organization’s logo and information.

If you would like to reprint a previously ordered “Online Design” job, please go to Your Jobs.

Custom – DLA Design ($100)

Take your customizations a step further with Donate Life America’s help (a $100 customization fee will apply). Make more complex customizations to the fifth panel story boxes and the “HOW CAN YOU HELP?”/“¿CÓMO PUEDE AYUDAR?” sections. Please proceed to checkout for this option. Donate Life America will contact you once your order is placed to begin the customization process.

Custom – Reorder | Existing Art

Select this option if you have previously ordered a DLA Design version that you wish to reprint with no changes. If possible, please reference your previous job name in the “Notes” field.

Custom – Reorder | Updates to Existing Art ($40)

Select this option if you have previously ordered a DLA Design version that you wish to reprint, but need to have changes made to the art file prior to printing. Donate Life America will work with you directly and a $40 customization fee will apply. If possible, please reference your previous job name in the “Notes” field.

If you would like to reprint a previously ordered item, you can also go to Your Jobs.

If you have questions about a particular design you have in mind, please reach out to Loren Squares at lsquares@donatelife.net or 804-377-3582.

Option Information